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Walther, Géraldine. Formally Encoding Morphomicity In International Morphology Meeting. Vienna, Austria, 2012.
Caudal, Patrick, Alan Dench, Eva Schultze-Berndt, Jean-Christophe Verstraete, Rachel Nordlinger, and Lesley Stirling. Marie Curie Actions TAMEAL IRSES Deliverable D 1.1 Report on preliminary work: Diffusion of corpora and other linguistic resources (Corpus of Australian Aboriginal Narratives). Brussels: European Commission, 2014.
Caudal, Patrick. Marie Curie Actions TAMEAL IRSES Deliverable D 2.1 - Report on corpus constituted via fieldwork trips (corpus annotation and standardization). Brussels: European Commission, 2013.
Caudal, Patrick, Alan Dench, Martina Faller, John Henderson, Rachel Nordlinger, Marie-Eve Ritz, Laurent Roussarie, Eva Schultze-Berndt, Melanie Seiss, Lesley Stirling et al. Marie Curie Actions TAMEAL IRSES Deliverable D 2.2 - Second collection of TAMEAL papers. Brussels: European Commission, 2013.
Caudal, Patrick, Alan Dench, and Lesley Stirling. Marie Curie Actions TAMEAL IRSES Deliverable D 2.3 - Towards a comparative theory of TAME in Australian languages. Brussels: European Commission, 2014.
Caudal, Patrick, Marie-Eve Ritz, Lesley Stirling, and Jean-Christophe Verstraete. Marie Curie Actions TAMEAL IRSES Deliverable D 2.4 - Aspectuo-temporally analysed narratives in the Indigenous languages of Australia. Brussels: European Commission, 2014.
Caudal, Patrick, and Robert Mailhammer. Marie Curie Actions TAMEAL IRSES Deliverable D 3.1 - Report on critical data collected during field work trips (collection of elicited sentences/tests). Brussels: European Commission, 2014.
Caudal, Patrick, Alan Dench, Rachel Nordlinger, Maia Ponsonnet, Marie-Eve Ritz, Laurent Roussarie, Eva Schultze-Berndt, Melanie Seiss, Lesley Stirling, and Marie-Elaine van Egmond. Marie Curie Actions TAMEAL IRSES Deliverable D 3.2 - Third collection of TAMEAL papers. Brussels: European Commission, 2013.
Caudal, Patrick, and Anne-Sophie Refloc'h. Marie Curie Actions TAMEAL IRSES Deliverable D 4.3 - Detailed staff exchange information for each seconded researcher. Brussels: European Commission, 2014.
Caudal, Patrick, and Anne-Sophie Refloc'h. Marie Curie Actions TAMEAL IRSES Final report. Brussels: European Commission, 2014.
Caudal, Patrick, and Anne-Sophie Refloc'h. Marie Curie Actions TAMEAL IRSES Periodic Report Period covered: from 01.06.2012 to 31.07.2013. Brussels: European Commission, 2014.
Caudal, Patrick. Marie-Curie Actions TAMEAL IRSES Second periodic report. Brussels: European Commission, 2013.
Arana, Andrew, and Heather Burnett. Mathematical Hygiene., 2022.
Beyssade, Claire, Élisabeth Delais-Roussarie, Jean-Marie Marandin, Annie Rialland, and Michel de Fornel. The meaning of final contours in French., 2004.
Sagot, Benoît, and Géraldine Walther. A morphological lexicon for the Persian language In 7th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC’10). La Valette, Malte, 2010.