Morphology Reading Group

The reading group on Experimental and computational approaches to morphology and the lexicon meets every month, generally on the second Friday, from 10AM to 11:30AM in room 531 and online. The online link is sent by email a week before each session.


Lucie Barque is in charge of organizing the sessions (succeeding Marine Wauquier)


Provisional programme:


  • October 13: presentation by Yifeng Lin on:
    La compétition morphologique dans la suffixation des noms d’instruments en français
  • November 10: presentation by Natalia Bobkova on:
    La quantification de l’étymologie pour une étude de la concurrence suffixale
  • December 8: cancelled (CSSP)
  • January 12: presentation by Julie Marsault on:
    Instrumental prefixes in Umóⁿhoⁿ (Omaha)  [slides]
  • February 9 : presentation by Chong Qi on:
    Les préfixes négatifs du chinois contemporain
  • Mars 8: presentation by Jules Bouton on:
    Overabundance and the PCFP : a case study in Estonian
  • May 24: Article reading; presentation by Lucie Barque
    Creemers, A. & Embick, D. (2021) Retrieving stem meanings in opaque words during auditory lexical processing, Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 36:9, 1107-1122
  • June 14: presentation by Grigory Agabalian on:
    Morphologie et néologie militante

Past sessions are recorded below.



  • February 10: To be confirmed - Article reading; presentation by Marine Wauquier
    Martin Schäfer (2023). Splitting ‐ly’s: using word embeddings to distinguish derivation and inflection. In: Kotowski, S. & I. Plag (eds.), The Semantics of Derivational Morphology: Theory, Methods, Evidence. Linguistische Arbeiten 586. Berlin, New York: de Gruyter, 259-299 [pdf]
    Haspelmath (2022). Inflection and derivation as traditional comparative concepts. [pdf]
  • March 10: presentation by Grigory Agabalian on:
    Les questions du lien et de l’unité sémantiques au sein des noms en -isme
  • March 24: (cancelled)
  • April 14: Erich Round's lecture on Modelling morphology: The evolutionary consequences of analogy (Labex EFL)
  • May 12: presentation by Justine Salvadori and Richard Huyghe on:
    Affix polyfunctionality in French deverbal nominalizations
  • June 16: presentations by :
    • Bernard Fradin on Martin Haspelmath's recent manuscript
      "Inflection and derivation as traditional comparative concepts", available here:
    • Delphine Tribout and Florence Villoing on:
      Morphologie verbale en créole guadeloupéen : arguments pour une organisation complexe



  • October 16: presentation by Matías Guzmán Naranjo and Olivier Bonami on:
    Distributional assessment of derivational semantics
    and presentation by Maria Copot and Olivier Bonami on:
    Is defectiveness that surprising? The influence of paradigmatic predictability on token frequency
  • November 6: presentation by Maria Copot
    Albright, Adam. 2017. "Speakers’ knowledge of alternations is asymmetrical: Evidence from Seoul Korean verb paradigms". Journal of Linguistics 53. p 567-611.
  • December 4: presentation by Jean-Baptiste Lamontre on:
    Verb stem allomorphy in Kulung (Tibeto-Burman; Nepal).
  • January 15: presentation by Marine Wauquier on:
    Confrontation of derivational processes and semantic categories in distributional semantic models. Slides
  • February 2: presentation by Grigory Agabalian on:
    French nouns of doctrines and attitudes in -isme derived from animate proper nouns
  • February 26: presentation by Sacha Beniamine and Matías Guzmán Naranjo on:
    Multiple Alignments of inflectional paradigms
  • March 13:  presentation by Alice Missud on:
    Affix rivalry and morphological constraints
  • March 26: presentation by Karen De Clercq on:
    Degree morphology
  • April 9: presentation by Olivier Bonami, Louise McNally and Denis Paperno on:
    A probabilistic, scenario-based approach to the meaning of derivation
  • April 4: CANCELED.
  • May 21: CANCELED.
  • June 11: Presentation by Marine Wauquier
    Hoffman, Valentin et al. (2020). "Predictingthe growth of morphological families from social and linguistic factors".  In Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 7273-7283. Slides
  • June 25: Presentation by Marine Wauquier
    Hoffman, Valentin et al. (2020). “DagoBERT: Generating Derivational Morphology with a Pretrained Language Model“. arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.00672. Slides
  • July 9: presentation by Alice Missud on:
    Morphologie dérivationnelle et réseaux sociaux : détecter la popularité et l’évolution de la suffixation en -ance sur Twitter



  • October 11: presentation by Olivier Bonami
    Brocher, Andreas et al. (2018). “About sharing and commitment: the retrieval of biased and balanced irregular polysemes.” In: Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 33.4, pp. 443–466. eprint: 23273798.2017.1381748. url: 2017.1381748. Slides
  • October 18: CANCELED.
  • October 25: presentation by Matías Guzman Naranjo
    Parker et al. (2019). Irregularity, paradigmatic layers, and the complexity of inflection class systems: A study of Russian nouns. preprint. Slides
  • November 8: presentation by Alice Missud.
    Lapesa et. al. (2018). Disambiguation of newly derived nominalizationsin context: A Distributional Semantics approach. Link. Slides
  • November 15 CANCELED
  • November 22: presentation by Maria Copot.
    Gorman and Yang (2017). When Nobody Wins. Link. Slides.
  • November 29: presentation by Delphine Tribout.
    Phonological properties of word classes and directionality in conversion. Link
  • January 24: presentation by Matías Guzmán Naranjo.
    Sabine Arndt-Lappe (2014). Analogy in suffix rivalry: the case of English -ity and -ness.. Link. Slides.
  • January 30: presentation by Alice Missud.
    Kisselew, Max & Rimell, Laura & Palmer, Alexis & Padó, Sebastian. (2016). Predicting the Direction of Derivation in English Conversion. 93-98. Link
  • February 28: presentation by Matías Guzmán Naranjo. Gilles Boyé & Gauvain Schalchli (2019). Realistic data and paradigms: the paradigm cell finding problem. Morphology volume 29, 199–248. Url:
    And a presentation by Lucie Barque on:
    Weakly supervised supersense induction
  • March 13. Presentation by Olivier Bonami: Marelli, Marco, and Marco Baroni. "Affixation in semantic space: Modeling morpheme meanings with compositional distributional semantics." Psychological review 122.3 (2015): 485.
    And a presentation by Matías Guzmán Naranjo on:
    Analogical classification based on phonological similarity
  • April to August: CANCELED (due to health situation).