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Delais-Roussarie, Élisabeth, Damien Lolive, Hiyon Yoo, Nelly Barbot, and Olivier Rosec. Adapting prosodic chunking algorithm and speech synthesis to specific style: the case of dictation In Interspeech 2014. Singapour, 2014.PDF icon IS14-delaisetal.pdf (475.99 Ko)
Delais-Roussarie, Élisabeth, and Hiyon Yoo. "Corpus and research in phonetics and phonology (I): Methodological and formal considerations." In Handbook of Corpus Phonology, edited by Jacques Durand, U Gut and G Kristoffersen. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014.
Grandon, Bénédicte, and Hiyon Yoo. Do Korean L2 learners have a "foreign accent" when they speak French? Production and perception experiments on rhythm and intonation. In 7th international conference on Speech Prosody., 2014.
Grandon, Bénédicte, and Hiyon Yoo. Does prosodic similarity matter in L2 production? The case of Korean learners of French In 10th International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP)., 2014.
Yoo, Hiyon, Sebastien Le Maguer, Élisabeth Delais-Roussarie, Nelly Barbot, and Damien Lolive. Évaluation d’un algorithme de chunking appliqué à la dictée In Actes des Journées d'études sur la Parole (JEP 2014). La Mans, 2014.
Delais-Roussarie, Élisabeth, and Hiyon Yoo. "Rythme et synthèse de la parole : études comparées des patrons rythmiques de différents genres." Nouveaux Cahiers de Linguistique Française 31 (2014).