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Rus, Amélia. The Acquisition of the English Finite Verbs.The sample is a Class of French Students In Discourses of Globalization-Bulgarian Society of British Studies. Université de Sofia, Bulgarie, 2008.
Rus, Amélia. The Acquisition of the English Simple Past by Some French Students. Université Transilvania, Brasov, Roumanie, 2009.
Delais-Roussarie, Élisabeth, Damien Lolive, Hiyon Yoo, Nelly Barbot, and Olivier Rosec. Adapting prosodic chunking algorithm and speech synthesis to specific style: the case of dictation In Interspeech 2014. Singapour, 2014.PDF icon IS14-delaisetal.pdf (475.99 Ko)
Le Maguer, Sebastien, Élisabeth Delais-Roussarie, Nelly Barbot, Mathieu Avanzi, Olivier Rosec, and Damien Lolive. Algorithme de découpage en groupes prosodiques pour la dictée par l’usage de synthèse vocale In Actes des Journées d'études sur la Parole (JEP 2014). La Mans, 2014.
Ribeyre, Corentin, Éric Villemonte De La Clergerie, and Djamé Seddah. {Alpage: Transition-based semantic graph parsing with syntactic features} In {International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation}. Dublin, Ireland, 2014.
Reintges, Chris. "Analytical Challenges of the Earlier Egyptian Passive Voice and Related Constructions." Lingua Aegyptia 23 (2016): 289-386.
Reintges, Chris, and Sonia Cyrino. "Analyticization and the Syntax of the Synthetic Residue DOI:10.1093/oso/9780198747307.003.0010." In Word Order Change , .179-201. Oxford University Press ed., 2018.
Bendjaballah, Sabrina, and Chris Reintges. "Ancient Egyptian verbal reduplication: typology, diachrony, and the morphology-syntax interface." Morphology 19 (2009): 135-157.
Bendjaballah, Sabrina, and Chris Reintges. Ancient Egyptian verbal reduplication: typology, diachrony and the morphology-syntax interface. In Graz Conference on Reduplication 2007: Diachrony & Productivity. Univ. Graz, 2007.
Candito, Marie, Mathieu Constant, Carlos Ramisch, Agata Savary, Yannick Parmentier, Caroline Pasquer, and Jean-Yves Antoine. Annotation d'expressions polylexicales verbales en français In 24e conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN), Edited by Jean-Yves Antoine Ir Eshkol. Actes de TALN, volume 2 : articles courts. Orléans, France, 2017.
Brunetti, Lisa, Kordula De Kuthy, and Arndt Riester. Annotation Guidelines for Questions under Discussion and Information Structure In Workshop on Information structure and the Architecture of Grammar. Barcelone, 2016.PDF icon Workshop-IS&ArchitectureofGrammar-2016.pdf (228.18 Ko)
Riester, Arndt, Lisa Brunetti, and Kordula De Kuthy. "Annotation Guidelines for Questions under Discussion and Information Structure." In Information structure in lesser-described languages: Studies in prosody and syntax, 403-443. John Benjamins ed. Vol. 1. John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2018.PDF icon QUDguidelines-revision-April8.pdf (656.34 Ko)
Sagot, Benoît, Marion Richard, and Rosa Stern. {Annotation référentielle du Corpus Arboré de Paris 7 en entités nommées} In {Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN)}, Edited by Georges Antoniadis. Vol. 2 - TALN. Actes de la conférence conjointe JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2012 2 - TALN. Grenoble, France, 2012.
Riou, Etienne, and Barbara Hemforth. Apprentissage de la dislocation clitique à gauche en FLE In 3e Colloque international des étudiants chercheurs en didactique des langues et en linguistique., 2014.
Nguyen, Tu Anh, Maureen de Seyssel, Robin Algayres, Patricia Rozé, Ewan Dunbar, and Emmanuel Dupoux. Are word boundaries useful for unsupervised language learning? In arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.02956., 2022.
Rouveret, Alain. Arguments minimalistes: Une présentation du Programme Minimaliste de Noam Chomsky In Langages. ENS Éditions, 2016.
Caudal, Patrick, and Laurent Roussarie. "Aspectual Viewpoints, Speech Act Functions and Discourse Structure." In Aspectual Inquiries, edited by Paula Kempchinsky and Roumyana Slabakova, 265-290. Vol. 62. Studies in {Natural} {Language} and {Linguistic} {Theory} 62. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2005.
Caudal, Patrick, Alan Dench, and Marie-Eve Ritz. An aspectual/actional account of Australian conjugational classes In 11th conference of the International Pragmatics Association Conference (IPrA 2009). University of Melbourne, 2009.
He, Rui, Kayla Chapin, Jalal Al-Tamimi, Núria Bel, Marta Marquié, Maitee Rosende-Roca, Vanesa Pytel, Juan P. Tartari, Montse Alegret, Angela Sanabria et al. "Automated Classification of Cognitive Decline and Probable {Alzheimer's Dementia across Multiple Speech and Language Domains." American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 32 (2023): 2075-2086.PDF icon manuscript_Final_Acceptedpdf.pdf (337.63 Ko)
He, Rui, Kayla Chapin, Jalal Al-Tamimi, Núria Bel, Marta Marquié, Maitee Rosende-Roca, Vanesa Pytel, Juan P. Tartari, Montse Alegret, Angela Sanabria et al. "Automated Classification of Cognitive Decline and Probable {Alzheimer's Dementia across Multiple Speech and Language Domains." American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 32 (2023): 2075-2086.PDF icon manuscript_Final_Acceptedpdf.pdf (337.63 Ko)
Ribeyre, Corentin, Éric Villemonte De La Clergerie, and Djamé Seddah. {Because Syntax does Matter: Improving Predicate-Argument Structures Parsing Using Syntactic Features} In {Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies}. Proceedings of the 2015 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies. Denver, USA, United States, 2015.
Reintges, Chris, and Sabrina Bendjaballah. "Bendjaballah, Sabrina and Chris Reintges (2021) Nominal Gender in Coptic Egyptian: Typology and Morphological Analysis. Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde 148(1): 31–49. ." Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde 148, no. 1 (2021): 31-49.
Grobol, Loïc, Mathilde Regnault, Pedro Ortiz Suarez, Benoît Sagot, Laurent Romary, and Benoît Crabbé. BERTrade: Using Contextual Embeddings to Parse Old French In Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference. Marseille, France: European Language Resources Association, 2022.
Grobol, Loïc, Mathilde Regnault, Pedro Ortiz Suarez, Benoît Sagot, Laurent Romary, and Benoît Crabbé. BERTrade: Using Contextual Embeddings to Parse Old French In 13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference. Marseille, France: European Language Resources Association, 2022.
Grobol, Loïc, Mathilde Regnault, Pedro Ortiz Suarez, Benoît Sagot, Laurent Romary, and Benoît Crabbé. BERTrade: Using Contextual Embeddings to Parse Old French In Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference. Marseille, France: European Language Resources Association, 2022.
Grobol, Loïc, Mathilde Regnault, Pedro Ortiz Suarez, Benoît Sagot, Laurent Romary, and Benoît Crabbé. BERTrade: Using Contextual Embeddings to Parse Old French In 13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference. Marseille, France: European Language Resources Association, 2022.
Reintges, Chris. The Binary [± FUTURE] Tense System of Early Egyptian In Workshop Looking for Non-Future Tense. Université de Nantes LLING., 2022.
Caudal, Patrick, and Laurent Roussarie. "Brands of perfects : semantics and pragmatics." In Proceedings of the 2004 Texas Linguistics Society Conference: Issues at the Semantics-Pragmatics Interface, edited by Pascal Denis, Eric McCready, Alexis Palmer and Brian Reese, 13-27. Somerville, MA.: Cascadilla, 2006.
Caudal, Patrick, and Laurent Roussarie. "Brands of perfects : semantics and pragmatics." In Proceedings of the 2004 Texas Linguistics Society Conference: Issues at the Semantics-Pragmatics Interface, edited by Pascal Denis, Eric McCready, Alexis Palmer and Brian Reese, 13-27. Somerville, MA.: Cascadilla, 2006.
Bendjaballah, Sabrina, Jean Lowenstamm, and Chris Reintges. Brill’s Annual of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics. Brill, 2010.
Bendjaballah, Sabrina, Jean Lowenstamm, and Chris Reintges. Brill’s Annual of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics. Brill, 2011.
Bendjaballah, Sabrina, Jean Lowenstamm, and Chris Reintges. Brill’s Annual of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics. Brill, 2009.
Bendjaballah, Sabrina, Edit Doron, Jean Lowenstamm, Chris Reintges, and Jamal Ouhalla. Brill’s Annual of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics. Brill, 2012.
Rouveret, Alain, and Jean-Roger Vergnaud. "On Case Marking." In Critical Concepts in Linguistic Syntax, edited by Robert Freidin and Howard Lasnik. Routledge, 2008.
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Roussarie, Laurent, and Patrick Caudal. Change-of-stage vs. change-of-individual: the Nyamal usitative In 9th International Conference on Tense, Aspect and Modality (Chronos 9). Université Paris-Diderot, 2009.
Ginzburg, Jonathan, Zulipiye Yusupujiang, Chuyuan Li, Kexin Ren, and Paweł Ł. Upkowski. Characterizing the response space of questions: a corpus study for English and polish In Proceedings of the 20th annual SIGdial meeting on discourse and dialogue., 2019.
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Rouveret, Alain. "Compte-rendu de Marcel den Dikken, Relators and Linkers, MIT Press." Language 85 (2009): 706-710.
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Rouveret, Alain. "Computational and semantic aspects of resumption." In Formal Syntax in Beijin, 36 p. John Benjamins, Sous presse.
Riou, Etienne, and Barbara Hemforth. Contrainte du doublage clitique et détachement de l’objet à gauche In CMLF. Vol. 6. Mons: Institt de Linguistique Française, 2018.
Reintges, Chris. "Coordination, converbs and clause chaining in Coptic Egyptian: Typology and structural analysis." In Clause Linking and Clause Hierarchy; Syntax and pragmatics, edited by I. Brill, 203-265. Vol. 121. Studies in Language Companion Series 121. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: Benjamins, 2010.
Reintges, Chris. Coptic Egyptian (Sahidic Dialect): A Learner’s Grammar In Africanist Study books. Rüdiger Köppe Verlag ed. Vol. 15., 2018.
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Reintges, Chris. Coptic Linguistics 2012–2016, keynote address In 11th International Congress of Coptic Studies, Claremont Graduate University, California., 2016.
Reintges, Chris, and Patrick Caudal. Coptic Negative Tense–Aspect–Moods in a Typological Perspective In Negation in Ancient Egyptian. INALCO, Pôle des langues et civilisation, Paris, 2014.
Reintges, Chris. "Coptic relative tenses: The profile of a morpho-syntactic flagging device." In Focus Strategies in African Langages : The Interaction of focus and grammar in Niger–Congo and Afro–Asiatic, edited by Enoch O. Aboh, K. Hartmann and M. Zimmermann, 185-220. Vol. 191. Trends in Linguistics 191. Berlin: Mouton, 2007.
Reintges, Chris. Copto-Graeco Adjectives. In Copto-Graeco Adjectives. , 2017.
Caudal, Patrick. "Culmination/telicity and event delineation in Australian Languages: phonology, morphosyntax, semantics and pragmatics." In Building on Babel’s Rubble / Construire sur les décombres de Babel, edited by Norah Boneh, Daniel Harbour, Ora Matushansky and Isabelle Roy, 193-227. Saint-Denis: Presses universitaires de Vincennes, 2022.PDF icon Caudal - 2022 - Culminationtelicity and event delineation in Aust.pdf (1.33 Mo)
Ribeyre, Corentin. Data-driven methods for syntax-semantic interface. Université Paris Diderot, 2016.
Reintges, Chris. "Dative Possessive Sentences in Early Egyptian ." Uppsala Studies in Egyptology (Soumis): 1-30.
Reintges, Chris. Dative-Benefactive Possessive Sentences in Early Egyptian In Crossroads VI Conference: Between Egyptian Linguistics and Philology. Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, l’Université d'Uppsala, Suède. , 2020.
Candito, Marie, Guy Perrier, Bruno Guillaume, Corentin Ribeyre, Karën Fort, Djamé Seddah, and Éric Villemonte De La Clergerie. {Deep Syntax Annotation of the Sequoia French Treebank} In {International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC)}. Reykjavik, Iceland, 2014.
Michalon, Olivier, Corentin Ribeyre, Marie Candito, and Alexis Nasr. Deeper syntax for better semantic parsing In Coling 2016 - 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics. Osaka, Japan, 2016.
Richy, Célia, and Heather Burnett. "Démêler les effets des stéréotypes et le genre grammatical dans le biais masculin : une approche expérimentale." GLAD! Revue sur le langage, le genre, les sexualités (2021).
Reintges, Chris. "A descriptive analysis of the Coptic conjunctive conjugation." In Converbs, medial verbs, clause chaining and related issues, edited by Sascha Völlmin, Silvia Zaugg-Coretti and Christian Johann Rapold, 163-184. Vol. 19. Frankfurter Afrianistische Blätter 19. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, 2011.
Reintges, Chris. "A descriptive analysis of the Coptic conjunctive conjugation." In Converbs, medial verbs, clause chaining and related issues, edited by Sascha Völlmin, Silvia Zaugg-Coretti and Christian Johann Rapold, 163-184. Vol. 19. Frankfurter Afrianistische Blätter 19. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, 2011.
Galliot, Benjamin, Guillaume Wisniewski, Séverine Guillaume, Laurent Besacier, Guillaume Jacques, Alexis Michaud, Solange Rossato, Minh-Châu Nguyễn, and Maxime Fily. Deux corpus audio transcrits de langues rares (japhug et na) normalisés en vue d'expériences en traitement du signal In Journées scientifiques du Groupement de recherche ''Linguistique informatique, formelle et de terrain'' (GDR LIFT). Journées GDR LIFT 2021. Grenoble, France, 2021.
Galliot, Benjamin, Guillaume Wisniewski, Séverine Guillaume, Laurent Besacier, Guillaume Jacques, Alexis Michaud, Solange Rossato, Minh-Châu Nguyễn, and Maxime Fily. Deux corpus audio transcrits de langues rares (japhug et na) normalisés en vue d'expériences en traitement du signal In Journées scientifiques du Groupement de recherche ''Linguistique informatique, formelle et de terrain'' (GDR LIFT). Journées GDR LIFT 2021. Grenoble, France, 2021.
Reintges, Chris, and Caterina Donati. Diagnosing phase boundaries in participial relative clauses In Brussels Conference on Generative Linguistics (BCGL) 9: Phase Theory. KU Leuven (Brussels), 2016.
Reintges, Chris, and Caterina Donati. Diagnosing Phase Boundaries in Participial Relative Clauses In Generative Linguistics in the Old World 40. University of Leiden Center of Linguistics, l’Université de Leiden., 2017.
Reintges, Chris. Diagnosing Phase Boundaries in Participial Relative Clauses In invited lecture, Université de Göttingen., 2017.
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Reintges, Chris. Die allomorphischen Varianten des sdm.t(j)=f Passivums mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der frühmittelägyptischen Sargtexte, In Die klassisch-ägyptische Sprache im Schnittpunkt von Philologie und Linguistik. Ein akademisches Symposium zu Ehren von Wolfgang Schenkel. Berlin: Berliner-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften , 2016.
Reintges, Chris. "Direct and Indirect Modification Adjectives in Coptic Attributive Constructions ." Zeitschrift der Deutsch-Morgenländischen Gesellschaft – Supplementa (Soumis).
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Caudal, Patrick, and Marie-Eve Ritz. "Discourse structure and the perfective evolution of the Australian Present Perfect: some new hypotheses." In Building a bridge between linguistic communities of the Old and New World: Current approaches to the study of tense, aspect, mood and modality across languages, edited by Chiyo Nishida and Cinzia Russi, 1-18. Vol. 2X. New York/Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2012.
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Ramisch, Carlos, Silvio Ricardo Cordeiro, Agata Savary, Veronika Vincze, Verginica Barbu Mititelu, Archna Bhatia, Maja Buljan, Marie Candito, Polona Gantar, Voula Giouli et al. Edition 1.1 of the PARSEME Shared Task on Automatic Identification of Verbal Multiword Expressions In Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Linguistic Annotation, Multiword Expressions and Constructions (LAW-MWE-CxG-2018). Santa Fe, United States: Association for Computational Linguistics, 2018.
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Caudal, Patrick, and Laurent Roussarie. Event Structure vs. Stage Structure and Abstract Aspectual Relations In Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society: General Session and Parasession on Aspect (2000). Berkeley: Berkeley Linguistics Society, 2000.
Reintges, Chris, and Sabrina Bendjaballah. The Eventive-Stative Alternation in Coptic Egyptian In 42nd North American Conference on Afroasiatic Linguistics,. Leiden, Netherlands, 2014.
Reintges, Chris. "The evolution of the Ancient Egyptian Stative: Diachronic stability despite inflectional change." Folia Orientalia 48 (2011): 7-97.
Ritz, Marie-Eve, and Patrick Caudal. On the evolution of the Australian Present Perfect: perfective uses in evidential contexts In ALS 2008. University of Sydney, 2008.
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Guillaume, Séverine, Guillaume Wisniewski, Cécile Macaire, Guillaume Jacques, Alexis Michaud, Benjamin Galliot, Maximin Coavoux, Solange Rossato, Minh-Châu Nguyễn, and Maxime Fily. Fine-tuning pre-trained models for Automatic Speech Recognition: experiments on a fieldwork corpus of Japhug (Trans-Himalayan family) In ComputEL-5 5th Workshop on Computational Methods for Endangered Languages (ComputEL-5). Proceedings of ComputEL-5: Fifth Workshop on the Use of Computational Methods in the Study of Endangered Languages. Dublin, Ireland, 2022.
Guillaume, Séverine, Guillaume Wisniewski, Cécile Macaire, Guillaume Jacques, Alexis Michaud, Benjamin Galliot, Maximin Coavoux, Solange Rossato, Minh-Châu Nguyễn, and Maxime Fily. Fine-tuning pre-trained models for Automatic Speech Recognition: experiments on a fieldwork corpus of Japhug (Trans-Himalayan family) In ComputEL-5 5th Workshop on Computational Methods for Endangered Languages (ComputEL-5). Proceedings of ComputEL-5: Fifth Workshop on the Use of Computational Methods in the Study of Endangered Languages. Dublin, Ireland, 2022.
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Delais-Roussarie, Élisabeth, Brechtje Post, Mathieu Avanzi, Caroline Buthke, Albert Di Cristo, Ingo Feldhausen, Sun-Ah Jun, Philippe Martin, Trudel Meisenburg, Annie Rialland et al. "Intonational phonology of French: Developing a ToBI system for French." In Intonation in Romance, edited by S Frota and P Prieto. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015.
Caudal, Patrick, Chris Reintges, and Gerhard Schaden. Irrealis and conditional structures: a temporal and/or aspectual issue? In CIL'18. Korea University, Seoul: Linguistic Society of Korea, 2008.
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Reintges, Chris, and Joao de deus Go da Silva. "The Legal Debate on Same-Sex Civil Unions in Brazil: The Construction of Equal Citizenship within a Socio-Cultural Context of Heterosexism and Homophobia." In Queering Paradigms IV: North−South Dialogues on Queer Epistemologies, Embodiments and Activisms, 187−214. E.L. Lewis, R. Borba, B. Falabella Fabrício & D. de Sousa Pinto ed. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2014.
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Guillaume, Séverine, Guillaume Wisniewski, Cécile Macaire, Guillaume Jacques, Alexis Michaud, Benjamin Galliot, Maximin Coavoux, Solange Rossato, Minh-Châu Nguyễn, and Maxime Fily. Les modèles pré-entraînés à l'épreuve des langues rares : expériences de reconnaissance de mots sur la langue japhug (sino-tibétain) In JEP 2022 - 34e Journées d'Études sur la Parole. Actes des 34e Journées d'Études sur la Parole (JEP2022). Noirmoutier, France, 2022.
Guillaume, Séverine, Guillaume Wisniewski, Cécile Macaire, Guillaume Jacques, Alexis Michaud, Benjamin Galliot, Maximin Coavoux, Solange Rossato, Minh-Châu Nguyễn, and Maxime Fily. Les modèles pré-entraînés à l'épreuve des langues rares : expériences de reconnaissance de mots sur la langue japhug (sino-tibétain) In JEP 2022 - 34e Journées d'Études sur la Parole. Actes des 34e Journées d'Études sur la Parole (JEP2022). Noirmoutier, France, 2022.
Roze, Charlotte, Laurence Danlos, and Philippe Muller. "LEXCONN: a French lexicon of discourse connectives." Discours - Revue de linguistique, psycholinguistique et informatique (2012).
Caudal, Patrick, Carl Vetters, and Laurent Roussarie. "L'imparfait, un temps inconséquent ?" Langue française 32 (2003): 61-74.
Kihm, Alain, and Jean-Louis Rougé. "Lingua de Preto: The Basic Variey at the root of West African Portuguese creoles." Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 28 (2013).
Ribeyre, Corentin, Djamé Seddah, and Éric Villemonte De La Clergerie. {A Linguistically-motivated 2-stage Tree to Graph Transformation} In {TAG+11 - The 11th International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Formalisms - 2012}, Edited by Chung-Hye Han and Giorgio Satta. Paris, France: {INRIA}, 2012.
Reintges, Chris. "Macroparametric Change and the Synthetic–Analytic Continuum: The Case of Ancient Egyptian." In Parameter Theory and language change, edited by Ch. Galves, Sonia Cyrino, R. Lopes and J. Alvelar, 144-169. Ch. Galves, S. Cyrino, R. Lopes & J. Alvelar (eds.) ed. Oxford Studies in Diachronic and Historical Linguistics. Oxford University Press, 2012.
Caudal, Patrick, Alan Dench, Martina Faller, John Henderson, Rachel Nordlinger, Marie-Eve Ritz, Laurent Roussarie, Eva Schultze-Berndt, Melanie Seiss, Lesley Stirling et al. Marie Curie Actions TAMEAL IRSES Deliverable D 2.2 - Second collection of TAMEAL papers. Brussels: European Commission, 2013.
Caudal, Patrick, Alan Dench, Martina Faller, John Henderson, Rachel Nordlinger, Marie-Eve Ritz, Laurent Roussarie, Eva Schultze-Berndt, Melanie Seiss, Lesley Stirling et al. Marie Curie Actions TAMEAL IRSES Deliverable D 2.2 - Second collection of TAMEAL papers. Brussels: European Commission, 2013.
Caudal, Patrick, Marie-Eve Ritz, Lesley Stirling, and Jean-Christophe Verstraete. Marie Curie Actions TAMEAL IRSES Deliverable D 2.4 - Aspectuo-temporally analysed narratives in the Indigenous languages of Australia. Brussels: European Commission, 2014.
Caudal, Patrick, Alan Dench, Rachel Nordlinger, Maia Ponsonnet, Marie-Eve Ritz, Laurent Roussarie, Eva Schultze-Berndt, Melanie Seiss, Lesley Stirling, and Marie-Elaine van Egmond. Marie Curie Actions TAMEAL IRSES Deliverable D 3.2 - Third collection of TAMEAL papers. Brussels: European Commission, 2013.
Caudal, Patrick, Alan Dench, Rachel Nordlinger, Maia Ponsonnet, Marie-Eve Ritz, Laurent Roussarie, Eva Schultze-Berndt, Melanie Seiss, Lesley Stirling, and Marie-Elaine van Egmond. Marie Curie Actions TAMEAL IRSES Deliverable D 3.2 - Third collection of TAMEAL papers. Brussels: European Commission, 2013.
Caudal, Patrick, and Anne-Sophie Refloc'h. Marie Curie Actions TAMEAL IRSES Deliverable D 4.3 - Detailed staff exchange information for each seconded researcher. Brussels: European Commission, 2014.
Caudal, Patrick, Alan Dench, Marie-Eve Ritz, Eva Schultze-Berndt, Jean-Christophe Verstraete, Laurent Roussarie, Rachel Nordlinger, and Lesley Stirling. Marie Curie Actions TAMEAL IRSES Deliverable D1.2 Collection of papers. European Commission, 2012.
Caudal, Patrick, Alan Dench, Marie-Eve Ritz, Eva Schultze-Berndt, Jean-Christophe Verstraete, Laurent Roussarie, Rachel Nordlinger, and Lesley Stirling. Marie Curie Actions TAMEAL IRSES Deliverable D1.2 Collection of papers. European Commission, 2012.
Caudal, Patrick, and Anne-Sophie Refloc'h. Marie Curie Actions TAMEAL IRSES Final report. Brussels: European Commission, 2014.
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Reintges, Chris. "Marked and Unmarked Word Orders, Verbal Inflection and the Cartography of Early Egyptian Sentence Structures." In Coping with Obscurity: The Brown Workshop on Earlier Egyptian Grammar , 45-95. J.P. Allen, M.A. Collier and A. Stauder ed. Atlanta, GA: Lockwood Press, 2016.
Beyssade, Claire, Élisabeth Delais-Roussarie, Jean-Marie Marandin, Annie Rialland, and Michel de Fornel. The meaning of final contours in French., 2004.
Delais-Roussarie, Élisabeth, and Annie Rialland. Metrical organization, tonal association and focus in French In Going Romance. Utrecht, Pays-Bas, 2005.
Delais-Roussarie, Élisabeth, and Annie Rialland. "Metrical organization, tonal association and focus in French." In Romance languages and linguistic theory 2005., edited by Sergio Baauw and F Drijkoningen. John Benjamins Publishing., 2007.
Bendjaballah, Sabrina, and Chris Reintges. Morphological Copying and Layered VP Structure. In Incontro di Grammatica Generativa 33. Univ. Bologna, 2007.
Reintges, Chris. "The Morpho-Syntax of Alternating Complementizers in Coptic Relative Clause Constructions." Folia Orientalia 49 (2012): 395−419.
Reintges, Chris. The Morphosyntax of Participial Relative Clauses Cross-linguistically In 2ème Journée Relatives, LABEX EFL/ l’Université de Paris/Diderot., 2018.
Rosset, Sophie, Delphine Tribout, and Lori Lamel. "Multi-level information and automatic dialog act detection in human-human spoken dialogs." Speech Communication 50 (2008): 1-13.
De Clercq, Karen. "The Nanosyntax of French Negation." In Studies on Negation: syntax, semantics, and variation, edited by Silvio Cruschina, Katharina Hartmann and Eva-Maria Remberger, 49-80. Vienna University Press, 2017.
Reintges, Chris. A New Typology of the Morphology–Syntax Interface in Language Change In Séminaire SynSem. Département de linguistique, l’Université de Nantes., 2017.
Ritz, Marie-Eve, Alan Dench, and Patrick Caudal. "Now or Then? The clitic –rru in Panyjima: Temporal properties in discourse." Australian Journal of Linguistics 32 (2012): 41-73.
Reintges, Chris. "The Old and Early Middle Egyptian Stative: Morphosyntax − Semantics − Typology. ." In Egyptian−Coptic Linguistics in Typological Perspective , 387−454. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 2015.
Reintges, Chris. The Old Egyptian śḏm(.w)=f Passive and Its Implications for the Origin of the Internal Passive in Central Semitic In 42nd North American Conference on Afroasiatic Linguistics,. Leiden, Netherlands, 2014.
Reintges, Chris. "The Old Egyptian śḏm(.w)=f Passive Revisited: Morphology − Typology− Diachronic Connections." In Fuzzy Boundaries (Festschrift Antonio Loprieno), 175−226. Hans Amstutz, Andreas Dorn, Miriam Ronsdorf, Matthias Müller & Sami Uljas ed. Vol. volume 1. Hamburg: Kai Widmeier Verlag, 2015.
Kihm, Alain. "Once more on the genesis of West African Portuguese creoles." In The Iberian Challenge: Creole Languages Beyond the Plantation Setting, edited by Jean-Louis Rougé. A. Schwegler et al. ed., 2016.
Reintges, Chris. "The oral compositional form of Pyramid Text discourse." In Narratives of Egypt and the Ancient Near East: literary and linguistic approaches, edited by F. Hagen, J. Johnston, W. Monkhouse, K. Piquette, J. Tait and M. Worthington, 3-54. Vol. 189. Orientalia Lovaniensa Analecta 189. Louvain: Peeters, 2011.
Seddah, Djamé, Reut Tsarfaty, Sandra Kübler, Marie Candito, Jinho Choi, Richárd Farkas, Jennifer Foster, Iakes Goenaga, Koldo Gojenola Galletebeitia, Yoav Goldberg et al. {Overview of the SPMRL 2013 Shared Task: A Cross-Framework Evaluation of Parsing Morphologically Rich Languages} In {Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Statistical Parsing of Morphologically-Rich Languages}. Seattle, Washington, United States: {Association for Computational Linguistics}, 2013.
Caudal, Patrick, Alan Dench, and Marie-Eve Ritz. Panyjima aspectual classes: new perspectives on formal models for event structure In JSM’2009. Université Paris-Diderot, 2009.
Caudal, Patrick, Laurent Roussarie, and Alan Dench. Panyjima Verb Formation In 2nd TAMEAL Workshop. University of Western Australia, Perth, 2010.
Savary, Agata, Marie Candito, Verginica Barbu Mititelu, Eduard Bejček, Fabienne Cap, Slavomír Čé plö, Silvio Ricardo Cordeiro, Gülşen Cebiroğlu Eryiğit, Voula Giouli, Maarten Van Gompel et al. "PARSEME multilingual corpus of verbal multiword expressions." In Multiword expressions at length and in depth: Extended papers from the MWE 2017 workshop., 2018.
Savary, Agata, Carlos Ramisch, Silvio Ricardo Cordeiro, Federico Sangati, Veronika Vincze, Behrang Qasemizadeh, Marie Candito, Fabienne Cap, Voula Giouli, Ivelina Stoyanova et al. The PARSEME Shared Task on Automatic Identification of Verbal Multiword Expressions In MWE 2017 - Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Multiword Expressions. Valencia, Spain, 2017.
Riou, Etienne, and Barbara Hemforth. Partially ordered set relations & left-dislocation in French In Journée de travail de l’opération WO2 ., 2014.
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Dench, Alan, Marie-Eve Ritz, and Patrick Caudal. Past time and present relevance in Panyjima: uses of the past, perfect and passive perfect in discourse In 11th conference of the International Pragmatics Association Conference (IPrA 2009). University of Melbourne, 2009.
Caudal, Patrick, and Laurent Roussarie. Perfects and the semantics/pragmatics interface In Actes de TALN'2004. Fès, Maroc: ATALA, 2006.
De Clercq, Karen, and Chris Reintges. "Polarity focus in a cross-dialectal grammar of Coptic Egyptian." Quaderni di lavoro ASIt (Sous presse).
Reintges, Chris, and Karen De Clercq. "Polarity Focus in Coptic Egyptian ." Quaderni di Lavoro dell’Atlante Sintattico d’Italia (ASIt): Festschrift Cecilia Poletto (Sous presse): 1-.
Crysmann, Berthold, and Chris Reintges. The Polyfunctionality of Coptic Egyptian Relative Complementisers In 21st International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. Stefan Müller ed. Stanford: CSLI Publications, 2014.
Reintges, Chris. Predicative (Clausal) Possession in Old and Early Middle Egyptian In Workshop on Possession in Ancient Egyptian-Coptic. Liège, Belgium, 2014.
Rouveret, Alain. "Préface." In Interrogatives et quantification en chinois mandarin: une approche générative. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2011.
Ritz, Marie-Eve, and Patrick Caudal. Preterit and Present Perfect in Middle French Texts In ALS 2009. University of La Trobe, Melbourne, 2009.
Brunetti, Lisa, Kordula De Kuthy, and Arndt Riester. Principles of information-structure and discourse-structure analysis In 39. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS) AG 2: Information Structuring in Discourse. Saarbruecken, Allemagne, 2017.PDF icon slides.pdf (329 Ko)
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Delais-Roussarie, Élisabeth, Claire Beyssade, Jenny Doetjes, Jean-Marie Marandin, and Annie Rialland. The prosody of post-focus sequences In Speech Prosody., 2002.
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Reintges, Chris. Residual Verb Movement in an Analytic Language In Workshop in Honor of Chris Reintges. Département de linguistique, LLING. l’Université de Nantes., 2020.
Amsili, Pascal, and Céline Raynal. Restriction et syntagmes nominaux: sémantique et pragmatique In Journées Sémantique et Modélisation. Toulouse, 2008.
Rouveret, Alain. Resumptive Pronouns at the Interfaces. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 2011.
Rouveret, Alain. "Resumptive Structures: Phases and Agreement." In Foundational Issues in Linguistic Theory, edited by Robert Freidin, Carlos Otero and Maria Luisa Zubizarreta, 167-195. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 2008.
Reintges, Chris, and Sonia Cyrino. "Rethinking Parameter Theory Diachronically: A Macrocomparative Approach to the Analyticization of the Verbal Tense–Aspect Systems of Brazilian Portuguese and Coptic Egyptian." In Rethinking Parameters, 329-385. A. Mendikoetxea, O. Fernandez Soriano and L. Eguren ed. Vol. Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax. New York: Oxford University Press, 2016.
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Reintges, Chris. "Sapirian “Drift” towards Analyticity and Long-term Morphosyntactic Change in Ancient Egyptian." In Historical Linguistics 2011: Selected Paper from the 20th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Osaka, 25−30 July 2011 , 289−328. R. Kikusawa and L. A. Reid ed. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2013.
Caudal, Patrick, Alan Dench, and Laurent Roussarie. A semantic type-driven account of verb-formation patterns in Panyjima In 10th Australian Languages Workshop. Moreton Bay Research Station, University of Queensland, Stradbroke Island, 2011.
Caudal, Patrick, Alan Dench, and Laurent Roussarie. "A semantic type-driven account of verb-formation patterns in Panyjima." Australian Journal of Linguistics 31 (2012): 119-159.
Fradin, Bernard. "On the Semantics of Denominal Adjectives." In Morphology and Dialectology. On-line Proceedings of the Sixth Mediterranean Morphology Meeting (MMM6). Ithaca, 27-30 September 2007, edited by Angela Ralli, Geert Booij and Sergio Scalise, 84-98. Vol. 2009. Ithaca: University of Patras, 2007.
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Caudal, Patrick, and Laurent Roussarie. "Sémantique et pragmatique des propositions en SI." In Temporalité et attitude, edited by Arie Molendijk and Co Vet, 51-66. Vol. 12. Cahiers {Chronos} 12. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi, 2005.
Ribeyre, Corentin, Marie Candito, and Djamé Seddah. {Semi-Automatic Deep Syntactic Annotations of the French Treebank} In {The 13th International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT13)}. Proceedings of TLT 13. Tübingen, Germany: {Tübingen Universität}, 2014.
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Rouveret, Alain. "Some Issues in the Theory of Resumption." In Resumptive Pronouns at the Interfaces, edited by Alain Rouveret, 1-62. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 2011.
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Macaire, Cécile, Guillaume Wisniewski, Séverine Guillaume, Benjamin Galliot, Guillaume Jacques, Alexis Michaud, Solange Rossato, Minh-Châu Nguyễn, and Maxime Fily. Spécialisation de modèles neuronaux pour la transcription phonémique : premiers pas vers la reconnaissance de mots pour les langues rares In Journées scientifiques du Groupement de recherche ''Linguistique informatique, formelle et de terrain'' (GDR LIFT). Journées GDR LIFT 2021. Grenoble, France, 2021.
Reintges, Chris. "Spontaneous syntactic change." In Historical syntax and linguistic theory, edited by G. Longobardi and P. Crisma, 41-57. Oxford University Press, 2009.
Reintges, Chris. Spontaneous Syntactic Change: An Anti-Inertia Approach In Linguistics in Göttingen: A Platform for Empirical and Theoretical Linguistics., Université de Göttingen., 2017.
Reintges, Chris, and Melanie Green. "Syntactic Conditions on Special Inflection: Evidence from Hausa and Coptic Egyptian." Lingua 166, no. part A (2015): 127-148.
Rus, Amélia. Syntactic Representation of Tense, a cross-linguistic perspective In XXIV International Meeting of the Association of Young Linguists. Université Autonome de Barcelone: 05/2009, 2009.
Rus, Amélia. Syntactic Representation of Tense: a Crosslinguistic Perspective - The interaction of some temporal adverbials with the VP. Département de Linguistique Théorique, Université de Newcastle, Angleterre, 2009.
Rus, Amélia. Syntactic Representation of Tense. A Crosslinguistic Study (Romanian & French) In AFLS (Association for French Language Studies) – l’Atelier Doctorants. Université d’Oxford, Grande Bretagne, 2008.
Reintges, Chris. "Syntactically Covert Ā-movement and Lower Copy Pronunciation: Evidence from Coptic wh-in-situ interrogation ." Journal of Historical Syntax, no. Special Issue: Proceedings of the Diachrony in Generative Syntax Conference 23 (Soumis).
Rouveret, Alain. "The syntax of the modern Celtic languages." In The Blackwell Companion to Syntax, edited by Martin van Everaert and Henk van Riemsdijk, 30 p. 2e édition ed. Blackwell, Sous presse.
Rus, Amélia. A Syntaxic Representation of Tense In WoSS6. l’Université de Pays Basque – Vitoria Gasteiz, Espagne, 2008.
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Roze, Charlotte. {Towards a Discourse Relations' Algebra}. {Université Paris-Diderot - Paris VII}, 2013.
Jespersen, Bjørn, and Chris Reintges. "Tractarian Sätze, Egyptian hierogliphs, and the very idea of script as picture." The Philosophical Forum 39 (2008): 1-19.
Al Saied, Hazem, Marie Candito, and Mathieu Constant. "A transition-based verbal multiword expression analyzer." In Multiword expressions at length and in depth, edited by Stella Markantonatou, Carlos Ramisch, Agata Savary and Veronika Vincze. Language Science Press, 2018.
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Rouveret, Alain. "Uncertain assignments." In The Book of Questions, edited by Henk van Riemsdijk and Hubert Haider, 5 p. Mouton de Gruyter, Sous presse.
Rosales Núñez, José Carlos, Djamé Seddah, and Guillaume Wisniewski. Understanding the Impact of UGC Specificities on Translation Quality In W-NUT 2021 - Seventh Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text (colocated with EMNLP 2021). Proceedings of the Seventh W-NUT workshop (colocated with EMNLP 2021). Punta Cana, Dominican Republic: Inria Paris, 2021.
Nivre, Joakim, Željko Agić, Lars Ahrenberg, Lene Antonsen, Maria Jesus Aranzabe, Masayuki Asahara, Luma Ateyah, Mohammed Attia, Aitziber Atutxa, Liesbeth Augustinus et al. Universal Dependencies 2.1., 2017.
Nivre, Joakim, Željko Agić, Lars Ahrenberg, Lene Antonsen, Maria Jesus Aranzabe, Masayuki Asahara, Luma Ateyah, Mohammed Attia, Aitziber Atutxa, Liesbeth Augustinus et al. Universal Dependencies 2.1., 2017.
Nivre, Joakim, Željko Agić, Lars Ahrenberg, Lene Antonsen, Maria Jesus Aranzabe, Masayuki Asahara, Luma Ateyah, Mohammed Attia, Aitziber Atutxa, Liesbeth Augustinus et al. Universal Dependencies 2.1., 2017.
Nivre, Joakim, Željko Agić, Lars Ahrenberg, Lene Antonsen, Maria Jesus Aranzabe, Masayuki Asahara, Luma Ateyah, Mohammed Attia, Aitziber Atutxa, Liesbeth Augustinus et al. Universal Dependencies 2.1., 2017.
Nivre, Joakim, Željko Agić, Lars Ahrenberg, Lene Antonsen, Maria Jesus Aranzabe, Masayuki Asahara, Luma Ateyah, Mohammed Attia, Aitziber Atutxa, Liesbeth Augustinus et al. Universal Dependencies 2.1., 2017.
Nivre, Joakim, Željko Agić, Lars Ahrenberg, Lene Antonsen, Maria Jesus Aranzabe, Masayuki Asahara, Luma Ateyah, Mohammed Attia, Aitziber Atutxa, Liesbeth Augustinus et al. Universal Dependencies 2.1., 2017.
Nivre, Joakim, Željko Agić, Lars Ahrenberg, Lene Antonsen, Maria Jesus Aranzabe, Masayuki Asahara, Luma Ateyah, Mohammed Attia, Aitziber Atutxa, Liesbeth Augustinus et al. Universal Dependencies 2.1., 2017.
Nivre, Joakim, Željko Agić, Lars Ahrenberg, Lene Antonsen, Maria Jesus Aranzabe, Masayuki Asahara, Luma Ateyah, Mohammed Attia, Aitziber Atutxa, Liesbeth Augustinus et al. Universal Dependencies 2.1., 2017.
Nivre, Joakim, Željko Agić, Lars Ahrenberg, Lene Antonsen, Maria Jesus Aranzabe, Masayuki Asahara, Luma Ateyah, Mohammed Attia, Aitziber Atutxa, Liesbeth Augustinus et al. Universal Dependencies 2.1., 2017.
Nivre, Joakim, Željko Agić, Lars Ahrenberg, Lene Antonsen, Maria Jesus Aranzabe, Masayuki Asahara, Luma Ateyah, Mohammed Attia, Aitziber Atutxa, Liesbeth Augustinus et al. Universal Dependencies 2.1., 2017.
Nivre, Joakim, Željko Agić, Lars Ahrenberg, Lene Antonsen, Maria Jesus Aranzabe, Masayuki Asahara, Luma Ateyah, Mohammed Attia, Aitziber Atutxa, Liesbeth Augustinus et al. Universal Dependencies 2.1., 2017.
Nivre, Joakim, Željko Agić, Lars Ahrenberg, Lene Antonsen, Maria Jesus Aranzabe, Masayuki Asahara, Luma Ateyah, Mohammed Attia, Aitziber Atutxa, Liesbeth Augustinus et al. Universal Dependencies 2.1., 2017.
Nivre, Joakim, Željko Agić, Lars Ahrenberg, Lene Antonsen, Maria Jesus Aranzabe, Masayuki Asahara, Luma Ateyah, Mohammed Attia, Aitziber Atutxa, Liesbeth Augustinus et al. Universal Dependencies 2.1., 2017.
Nivre, Joakim, Mitchell Abrams, Željko Agić, Lars Ahrenberg, Lene Antonsen, Maria Jesus Aranzabe, Gashaw Arutie, Masayuki Asahara, Luma Ateyah, Mohammed Attia et al. Universal Dependencies 2.2., 2018.
Nivre, Joakim, Mitchell Abrams, Željko Agić, Lars Ahrenberg, Lene Antonsen, Maria Jesus Aranzabe, Gashaw Arutie, Masayuki Asahara, Luma Ateyah, Mohammed Attia et al. Universal Dependencies 2.2., 2018.
Nivre, Joakim, Mitchell Abrams, Željko Agić, Lars Ahrenberg, Lene Antonsen, Maria Jesus Aranzabe, Gashaw Arutie, Masayuki Asahara, Luma Ateyah, Mohammed Attia et al. Universal Dependencies 2.2., 2018.
Nivre, Joakim, Mitchell Abrams, Željko Agić, Lars Ahrenberg, Lene Antonsen, Maria Jesus Aranzabe, Gashaw Arutie, Masayuki Asahara, Luma Ateyah, Mohammed Attia et al. Universal Dependencies 2.2., 2018.
Nivre, Joakim, Mitchell Abrams, Željko Agić, Lars Ahrenberg, Lene Antonsen, Maria Jesus Aranzabe, Gashaw Arutie, Masayuki Asahara, Luma Ateyah, Mohammed Attia et al. Universal Dependencies 2.2., 2018.
Nivre, Joakim, Mitchell Abrams, Željko Agić, Lars Ahrenberg, Lene Antonsen, Maria Jesus Aranzabe, Gashaw Arutie, Masayuki Asahara, Luma Ateyah, Mohammed Attia et al. Universal Dependencies 2.2., 2018.
Nivre, Joakim, Mitchell Abrams, Željko Agić, Lars Ahrenberg, Lene Antonsen, Maria Jesus Aranzabe, Gashaw Arutie, Masayuki Asahara, Luma Ateyah, Mohammed Attia et al. Universal Dependencies 2.2., 2018.
Nivre, Joakim, Mitchell Abrams, Željko Agić, Lars Ahrenberg, Lene Antonsen, Maria Jesus Aranzabe, Gashaw Arutie, Masayuki Asahara, Luma Ateyah, Mohammed Attia et al. Universal Dependencies 2.2., 2018.
Nivre, Joakim, Mitchell Abrams, Željko Agić, Lars Ahrenberg, Lene Antonsen, Maria Jesus Aranzabe, Gashaw Arutie, Masayuki Asahara, Luma Ateyah, Mohammed Attia et al. Universal Dependencies 2.2., 2018.
Nivre, Joakim, Mitchell Abrams, Željko Agić, Lars Ahrenberg, Lene Antonsen, Maria Jesus Aranzabe, Gashaw Arutie, Masayuki Asahara, Luma Ateyah, Mohammed Attia et al. Universal Dependencies 2.2., 2018.
Nivre, Joakim, Mitchell Abrams, Željko Agić, Lars Ahrenberg, Lene Antonsen, Maria Jesus Aranzabe, Gashaw Arutie, Masayuki Asahara, Luma Ateyah, Mohammed Attia et al. Universal Dependencies 2.2., 2018.
Nivre, Joakim, Mitchell Abrams, Željko Agić, Lars Ahrenberg, Lene Antonsen, Maria Jesus Aranzabe, Gashaw Arutie, Masayuki Asahara, Luma Ateyah, Mohammed Attia et al. Universal Dependencies 2.2., 2018.
Nivre, Joakim, Mitchell Abrams, Željko Agić, Lars Ahrenberg, Lene Antonsen, Maria Jesus Aranzabe, Gashaw Arutie, Masayuki Asahara, Luma Ateyah, Mohammed Attia et al. Universal Dependencies 2.2., 2018.
Nivre, Joakim, Mitchell Abrams, Željko Agić, Lars Ahrenberg, Lene Antonsen, Maria Jesus Aranzabe, Gashaw Arutie, Masayuki Asahara, Luma Ateyah, Mohammed Attia et al. Universal Dependencies 2.2., 2018.
Nivre, Joakim, Mitchell Abrams, Željko Agić, Lars Ahrenberg, Lene Antonsen, Maria Jesus Aranzabe, Gashaw Arutie, Masayuki Asahara, Luma Ateyah, Mohammed Attia et al. Universal Dependencies 2.2., 2018.
Nivre, Joakim, Mitchell Abrams, Željko Agić, Lars Ahrenberg, Lene Antonsen, Maria Jesus Aranzabe, Gashaw Arutie, Masayuki Asahara, Luma Ateyah, Mohammed Attia et al. Universal Dependencies 2.2., 2018.
Nivre, Joakim, Mitchell Abrams, Željko Agić, Lars Ahrenberg, Lene Antonsen, Maria Jesus Aranzabe, Gashaw Arutie, Masayuki Asahara, Luma Ateyah, Mohammed Attia et al. Universal Dependencies 2.2., 2018.
Nivre, Joakim, Mitchell Abrams, Željko Agić, Lars Ahrenberg, Lene Antonsen, Maria Jesus Aranzabe, Gashaw Arutie, Masayuki Asahara, Luma Ateyah, Mohammed Attia et al. Universal Dependencies 2.2., 2018.
Nivre, Joakim, Mitchell Abrams, Željko Agić, Lars Ahrenberg, Lene Antonsen, Maria Jesus Aranzabe, Gashaw Arutie, Masayuki Asahara, Luma Ateyah, Mohammed Attia et al. Universal Dependencies 2.2., 2018.
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