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Miller, Philip, and Barbara Hemforth. VP Ellipsis beyond syntactic identity: the case of nominal antecedents In Linguistic Evidence. Tübingen, 2014.
Shiraishi, Aoi, Barbara Hemforth, and Anne Abeillé. Voice mismatch in Right Node Raising: Evidence from acceptability judgments and an eyetracking reading experiment In Architectures and Mechanisms of Human Language Processing., 2016.
Abeillé, Anne, Aoi Shiraishi, and Barbara Hemforth. "Voice mismatch and contrast in French RNR." Journal of Linguistics (2023): 1-28.PDF icon LIN_2200055_FN_final.pdf (1.07 Mo)
Abeillé, Anne, Aoi Shiraishi, and Barbara Hemforth. "Voice mismatch and contrast in French Right-Node Raising." Journal of Linguistics (2023).
Shiraishi, Aoi, Anne Abeillé, Barbara Hemforth, and Philip Miller. "Verbal mismatch in Right-Node Raising." Glossa 4, no. 1 (2019): 1-26.
Hemforth, Barbara, Antoine Heider, Theodor Cucu, Lisa Hemforth, Hugo Techer, Yair Haendler, Joanna Dos Reis, and Doriane Gras. Verbal mismatch in French Right-Node Raising: Speeded grammaticality judgments In ECBAE 2020. Paris (Virtual Conference), 2020.
Thiberge, Gabriel, and Barbara Hemforth. Variation in French partial interrogatives: social meaning tells us what? In AMLaP 2019. Moscou, Russie, 2019.
Thiberge, Gabriel, and Barbara Hemforth. Variation in French Partial Interrogatives: Social meaning as a key factor. In 8th Experimental Pragmatics conference (XPrag 2019). Edinburgh, Scotland, 2019.PDF icon 190618_xprag.pdf (1.11 Mo)
Thiberge, Gabriel, and Barbara Hemforth. Variation in French partial interrogatives: social meaning as a key factor to understand sociolinguistic norm violations In Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing 2018. Berlin, Germany, 2018.PDF icon 180907 AMLaP poster.pdf (710.09 Ko)
Thiberge, Gabriel, and Barbara Hemforth. Variation in French interrogatives, Social Meaning as a key factor to understand sociolinguistic norm violations In Socially Situated Language Processing Workshop 2018. Berlin, Germany, 2018.PDF icon 180905 SSLP.pdf (1.33 Mo)
Hedier, Antoine, Peijia Su, and Barbara Hemforth. "Sœurs de Même Taille : attachement d'une phrase relative aux syntagmes nominaux coordonnés." Langages N° 223 (2021): 125-141.
Heidlmayr, Karin, Sylvain Moutier, Barbara Hemforth, Cyril Courtin, Robert Tanzmeister, and Frédéric Isel. "Successive bilingualism and executive functions: The effect of second language use on inhibitory control in a behavioural Stroop Colour Word task." Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 17 (2014): 630-645.
Abeillé, Anne, Barbara Hemforth, Elodie Winckel, and Edward Gibson. Subject-island constraint? The discourse function of the construction matters In AMLaP 2019. Moscou, Russie, 2019.
Abeillé, Anne, Barbara Hemforth, Elodie Winckel, and Edward Gibson. Subject NP island? A case of focus‐background conflict. In TedLab Workshop on Islands. MIT (Virtual Workshop), 2020.
Abeillé, Anne, Barbara Hemforth, Elodie Winckel, and Edward Gibson. Subject island: PP extraction depends on the construction In CUNY conference on Human Sentence Processing. Amherst (MA) (Virtual Conference), 2020.
Winckel, Elodie, Barbara Hemforth, and Anne Abeillé. Subject island? (Counter)evidence from French dont-relative clauses In CUNY conference on human sentence processing., 2017.PDF icon DRC-CUNY.pdf (375.36 Ko)
Abeillé, Anne, Barbara Hemforth, Elodie Winckel, and Edward Gibson. The subject island as a case of focus-background conflict In Linguistic Evidence. Tübingen, 2020.
de la Fuente, Israel, and Barbara Hemforth. Sentence structure matters: A new account of intra-sentential pronoun resolution In CUNY. Los Angeles, 2015.
Riou, Etienne, and Barbara Hemforth. Sensibilisation aux constructions non-canoniques In 8e colloque international de l’ADCUEFE-CAMPUS FLE., 2016.
Hemforth, Barbara, and Israel de la Fuente. The semantics of Implicit Causality: Missing explanations and more. In Workshop "Implicit Causality"., 2016.
Pozniak, Celine, Barbara Hemforth, Yair Haendler, Andrea Santi, and Nino Grillo. "Seeing events vs. entities: The processing advantage of Pseudo Relatives over Relative Clauses." Journal of Memory and Language, no. 107 (2019): 128-151.PDF icon Pozniak__Hemforth__Haendler__Santi_and_Grillo_2018manuscript.pdf (3.87 Mo)
Hedier, Antoine, Peiha Su, Fahima Maouche, and Barbara Hemforth. Same sized sisters: Relative clause attachment to conjoined NPs In CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing., 2019.
de la Fuente, Israel, Sarah Schimke, Sascha Kuck, Barbara Hemforth, and Saveria Colonna. Salience-based vs. exposure-based strategies in L2 pronoun resolution in French In Architectures and Mechanisms of Human Language Processing., 2016.
de la Fuente, Israel, Barbara Hemforth, Saveria Colonna, and Sarah Schimke. "The role of syntax, semantics, and pragmatics in pronoun resolution: A cross-linguistic overview." In Empirical perspectives on anaphor resolution, 11-32. Anke Holler, Katja Suckow ed. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 2016.
Esteve-Gibert, Nuria, Cristel Portes, Amy Shafer, Barbara Hemforth, and Mariapaola D'Imperio. The role of individual empathic skills on the online processing of intonational meaning In Architectures and Mechanisms of Human Language Processing., 2016.
Colonna, Saveria, Sarah Schimke, and Barbara Hemforth. The role of focus in within- and between-sentence pronoun resolution In AMLaP. Marseille, 2013.
Fernandes, Eunice, Paula Luegi, Eduardo Correa Soares, Israel de la Fuente, and Barbara Hemforth. Relative Clause-attachment in European (EP) and Brazilian Portuguese (BP): Effects of verb type, tense and variety In Architectures and Mechanisms of Human Language Processing., 2016.
Pozniak, Celine, Jiaying Huang, and Barbara Hemforth. Relative clause processing, structural and linear distance matter - Evidence from Mandarin, Cantonese and English Visual World experiments In The 30th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston , 2017.PDF icon poster_CUNY_2017_HemforthHuangPozniak.pdf (779.55 Ko)
Hemforth, Barbara, Susana Fernandez, Charles Clifton, Jr., Lyn Frazier, Lars Konieczny, and Michael Walter. "Relative clause attachment in German, English, Spanish and French: Effects of position and length." Lingua (2015).
Borthen, Kaja, Barbara Hemforth, Barbara Mertins, Bergljot Behrens, and Cathrine Fabricius-Hansen. "Referring Expressions in Speech Reports." In Psycholinguistic Approaches to Meaning and Understanding across Languages, 111-142. Studies in Theoretical Psycholinguistics. Dordrecht: Springer, 2014.
Hemforth, Barbara, Kaja Borthen, Barbara Schmiedtova, Bergljot Behrens, and Cathrine Fabricius-Hansen. Referring expressions in direct and indirect speech in Czech, English, German and Norwegian In International Conference of Nordic and General Linguistics. Freiburg, Germany, 2012.
de la Fuente, Israel, and Barbara Hemforth. Reference as a side effect of discourse expectations: The case of focus-sensitive particles In CUNY. Columbus, Ohio, EU, 2014.
Schulz, Miriam, Heather Burnett, and Barbara Hemforth. A Rational Speech Act model of cross-linguistic differences in pronoun resolution preferences In CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing., 2019.
Riou, Etienne, and Barbara Hemforth. Rapport entre didactique des langues et linguistique : le cas de la dislocation à gauche In 8e Journée des doctorants du Laboratoire de Linguistique Formelle., 2015.
Hemforth, Barbara, Barbara Mertins, and Cathrine Fabricius-Hansen. Psycholinguistic Approaches to Meaning and Understanding across Languages In Studies in Theoretical Psycholinguistics. Dordrecht: Springer, 2014.
Lesage, Suzanne, Barbara Hemforth, and Olivier Bonami. (Pseudo-)reflexive possessive binding: crosslinguistic experiments In CUNY conference on Human Sentence Processing. Amherst (MA) (Virtual Conference), 2020.
Grillo, Nino, Barbara Hemforth, Celine Pozniak, and Andrea Santi. Pseudo Relatives are easier than Relative Clauses: eyetracking evidence from tense In AMLaP. Malta, 2015.
Grillo, Nino, Barbara Hemforth, Celine Pozniak, and Andrea Santi. Pseudo relatives are easier than relative clauses: evidence from Tense In CUNY. Los Angeles, 2015.
Beyssade, Claire, Barbara Hemforth, Jean-Marie Marandin, and Cristel Portes. The prosody of restrictive ’seulement’ in French In Tone and intonation In Europe (TIE). Lisbonne, 2008.
Beyssade, Claire, Barbara Hemforth, Jean-Marie Marandin, and Cristel Portes. "Prosodic realizations of information focus in French." In Explicit and implicit prosody in sentence processing: Studies in Honor of Janet Dean Fodor, 39-62. Lyn Frazier & Edward Gibson ed. Vol. Studies in Theoretical Psycholinguistics. Cham: Springer, 2015.
Beyssade, Claire, Barbara Hemforth, Jean-Marie Marandin, and Cristel Portes. Prosodic Marking of Information Focus in French In Interface Discours/Prosodie, Edited by Hiyon Yoo and Élisabeth Delais-Roussarie. Paris, 2009.
Beyssade, Claire, Barbara Hemforth, Jean-Marie Marandin, and Cristel Portes. Prosodic Marking of Information Focus in French In Linguistic and Psycholinguistic Approaches to Text Structuring. Paris, 2009.
Schimke, Sarah, Saveria Colonna, and Barbara Hemforth. Pronoun resolution is fast and automatic: Evidence from a German visual world experiment In AMLaP. Marseille, 2013.
Pozniak, Celine, and Barbara Hemforth. Processing subject and object relative clauses in French and Mandarin Chinese In CUNY. Los Angeles, 2015.
Paape, Dario, Barbara Hemforth, and Shravan Vasishth. "Processing of ellipsis with garden-path antecedents in French and German: Evidence from eye tracking." PlosOne (2018).
Pozniak, Celine, and Barbara Hemforth. Processing Mandarin relative clauses In AMLaP. Malta, 2015.
Riou, Etienne, and Barbara Hemforth. Partially ordered set relations & left-dislocation in French In Journée de travail de l’opération WO2 ., 2014.
Hemforth, Barbara. Linguistic evidence across languages In Linguistic Evidence., 2018.PDF icon LE2018Hemforth.pdf (1.41 Mo)
Abeillé, Anne, Barbara Hemforth, and Elodie Winckel. Les relatives en dont du français : études empiriques In 5e Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Française. Vol. 27., 2016.
Hemforth, Barbara, Saveria Colonna, Caterina Petrone, and Mariapaola D'Imperio. "Length Matters: Informational Load in Ambiguity Resolution." Discours 12 (2013).
Faghiri, Pegah, Barbara Hemforth, and Pollet Samvelian. Length effects in an OV language with Differential Object Marking and mixed head direction In 29th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing., 2016.
Riou, Etienne, and Barbara Hemforth. Learning left-dislocation in French: between pragmatics and sociolinguistics In EuroSLA 26. Jyväskylä, 2016.
Riou, Etienne, and Barbara Hemforth. Learning left-dislocation in French : between pragmatics and sociolinguistics In EuroSLA 26., 2016.
Godard, Danièle, Barbara Hemforth, and Jean-Marie Marandin. "Le subjonctif en contexte négatif en français: une approche expérimentale." In Omagiu profesorului Emil Ionescu la 60 de ani , 27-39. V. Barbu Mititelu, M. Ionescu, G. Iordachioaia ed. Bukarest: Universtité de Bukarest, 2017.
Riou, Etienne, and Barbara Hemforth. La dislocation clitique à gauche : une faute de français ? In 17e Rencontre Jeunes Chercheurs en Sciences du Langage., 2014.
Schimke, Sarah, Saveria Colonna, Israel de la Fuente, and Barbara Hemforth. L2 ambiguous pronoun resolution: the impact of L1-based preferences, L2-proficiency and working memory capacity In 10th International Symposium on Bilingualism. Rutgers, 2015.
Schimke, Sarah, Saveria Colonna, Israel de la Fuente, and Barbara Hemforth. "L1-Einfluss und generelle Lernereffekte bei der Auflösung ambiger Pronomen in einer L2." In Sprachverarbeitung im Zweitspracherwerb., 221-246. Sarah Schimke, Holger Hopp ed. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2018.
Pozniak, Celine, and Barbara Hemforth. It’s all about the head: Implicit causality effects on subject and object RCs In AMLaP ., 2017.
Hemforth, Barbara, Barbara Mertins, and Cathrine Fabricius-Hansen. "Introduction: Meaning across languages." In Psycholinguistic Approaches to Meaning and Understanding across Languages, 1-21. Dordrecht: Springer, 2014.
Esteve-Gibert, Nuria, Cristel Portes, Amy Shafer, Barbara Hemforth, and Mariapaola D'Imperio. Intonation in the processing of contrast meaning in French: An eye-tracking study In Speech Prosody., 2016.
Colonna, Saveria, Sarah Schimke, and Barbara Hemforth. "Information structure effects on anaphora resolution in German and French: A cross-linguistic study of pronoun resolution." Linguistics 55, no. 5 (2012): 991-1013.
Järvikivi, Juhani, Pirita Pyykkönen-Klauck, Sarah Schimke, Saveria Colonna, and Barbara Hemforth. "Information structure cues for 4-year-olds and adults: Tracking eye movements to visually presented anaphoric referents." Language, Cognition, and Neurosciences 29, no. 7 (2014): 877-892.
Colonna, Saveria, Sarah Schimke, and Barbara Hemforth. "Information Structure and Pronoun Resolution in German and French: Evidence from the Visual-World Paradigm." In Psycholinguistic Approaches to Meaning and Understanding across Languages, 175-196. Studies in Theoretical Psycholinguistics. Dordrecht: Springer, 2014.
Beyssade, Claire, Jean-Marie Marandin, Barbara Hemforth, and Cristel Portes. Information Focus in French In Speech Prosody., 2010.
Colonna, Saveria, Sarah Schimke, Coralie Vincent, Israel de la Fuente, and Barbara Hemforth. Influence du contexte expérimental sur l’interprétation des anaphores pronominales en français In 5e Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Française. SHS Web of Conferences ed. Vol. 27., 2016.
de la Fuente, Israel, Marie Benzerrak, Natalia Kalashnikova, Lala Naziyeva, Ching-chun Wang, and Barbara Hemforth. Implicit causality: When more than one explanation is missing In CUNY conference on human sentence processing., 2017.PDF icon CUNYdelaFuente_Final2.pdf (206.53 Ko)
Abeillé, Anne, Barbara Hemforth, Elodie Winckel, and Edward Gibson. "Extraction from subjects: Differences in acceptability depend on the discourse function of the construction." Cognition (2020).
Hemforth, Barbara. "Experimental Linguistics." In Oxford Online Bibliographies. Mark Aronoff ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2013.
de la Fuente, Israel, and Barbara Hemforth. Expectations matter when resolving pronouns in explanations and temporal clauses: The differences between even and only In AMLaP. Marseille, 2013.
Esteve, Nuria Gibert, Amy Shafer, Barbara Hemforth, Cristel Portes, Celine Pozniak, and Mariapaola D'Imperio. "Empathy influences how listeners interpret intonation and meaning when words are ambiguous." Memory and Cognition (2020).PDF icon MC-ORIG-18-349.R1_Proof_hi copy.pdf (694.79 Ko)
Paape, Dario, Shravan Vasishth, and Barbara Hemforth. Ellipsis with garden-path antecedents in French In 29th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing., 2016.
Paape, Dario, Barbara Hemforth, and Shravan Vasishth. Ellipsis with garden-path antecedents in French In Architectures and Mechanisms of Human Language Processing., 2016.
Colonna, Saveria, Sarah Schimke, Israel de la Fuente, Sascha Kuck, and Barbara Hemforth. "Effects of exposure and information structure in native and non-native pronoun resolution in French." Linguistic Vanguard (2018).
Winterstein, Grégoire, Emilia Ellsiepen, Jacques Jayez, and Barbara Hemforth. Effects of context on the processing of adversative and comparative constructions In CUNY. Columbus, Ohio, EU, 2014.
de la Fuente, Israel, and Barbara Hemforth. Effects of clefting and left-dislocation on Subject and Object Pronoun Resolution in Spanish In 16th Hispanic Linguistics Symposium. Florida: Cascadilla Proceedings Project, 2013.
Soares, Eduardo Correa, Philip Miller, and Barbara Hemforth. "The effect of verbal agreement marking on the use of null and overt subjects: a quantitative study of first person singular in Brazilian Portuguese." Fórum Linguístico 16, no. 1 (2019): 3579-3600.
Soares, Eduardo Correa, Philip Miller, and Barbara Hemforth. "The Effect of Semantic and Discourse Features on the Use of Null and Overt Subjects - A Quantitative Study of Third Person Subjects in Brazilian Portuguese. ." DELTA: Documentação de Estudos em Lingüística Teórica e Aplicada, 36, no. 1 (2020).
Gibson, Edward, Caitlin Tana, Richard Futrella, Kyle Mahowalda, Lars Konieczny, Barbara Hemforth, and Evelina Fedorenko. "Don’t underestimate the benefits of being misunderstood." Psychological Science (2017).
Thuilier, Juliette, Anne Abeillé, and Benoît Crabbé. Do animate arguments come first ? the case of French ditransitive verbs In AMLAP, Edited by Barbara Hemforth. Paris, 2011.
Dobrovie-Sorin, Carmen, Emilia Ellsiepen, and Barbara Hemforth. Distributive and collective readings of plural DPs In AMLaP. Edinburgh, Ecosse, 2014.
Riou, Etienne, and Barbara Hemforth. "Dislocation clitique de l’objet à gauche en français écrit." Discours 16 (2015).
Ginzburg, Jonathan, Ye Tian, Pascal Amsili, Claire Beyssade, Barbara Hemforth, Yvette Yannick Mathieu, Claire Saillard, Julian Hough, Spyridon Kousidis, and David Schlangen. The Disfluency, Exclamation and Laughter in Dialogue (DUEL) Project In Proceedings of the 18th SemDial Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (DialWatt), Posters., 2014.
Miller, Philip, and Barbara Hemforth. Discourse conditions on Verb Phrase Ellipsis and the question of syntactic identity: new evidence from acceptability experiments In AMLaP 2019. Moscou, Russie, 2019.
Colonna, Saveria, Sarah Schimke, and Barbara Hemforth. "Different effects of focus in intra- and intersentential pronoun resolution in German." Language, Cognition, and Neuroscience (2015).
Colonna, Saveria, Sarah Schimke, Tiphaine Medam, and Barbara Hemforth. Different effects of focus in intra- and inter-sentential pronoun resolution in German and French In CUNY Conference on Sentence Processing, Edited by Dianne Bradley, Eva Fernandez and Janet Fodor. Vol. 25. NewYork, 2012.
Pozniak, Celine, Barbara Hemforth, and Christoph Scheepers. "Cross-Domain Priming From Mathematics to Relative-Clause Attachment: A Visual-World Study in French." Frontiers in Psychology, no. Nov. 2018 (2018).
Schulz, Miriam, Heather Burnett, and Barbara Hemforth. "Corpus, experimental and modeling investigations of cross-linguistic differences in pronoun resolution preferences." Glossa 6 (2021).
Baumann, Peter, Lars Konieczny, and Barbara Hemforth. "Conversational Implicatures in Anaphora Resolution: Alternative Constructions and Referring Expressions." In Psycholinguistic Approaches to Meaning and Understanding across Languages, 197-212. Studies in Theoretical Psycholinguistics. Dordrecht: Springer, 2014.
Frazier, Lyn, and Barbara Hemforth. Contrast markers in English and French In AMLaP. Malta, 2015.
Riou, Etienne, and Barbara Hemforth. Contrainte du doublage clitique et détachement de l’objet à gauche In CMLF. Vol. 6. Mons: Institt de Linguistique Française, 2018.
Pozniak, Celine, Jiaying Huang, and Barbara Hemforth. Competition of linear and structural distance in relative clause processing - Evidence from Mandarin and Cantonese Visual World experiments In Architectures and Mechanisms of Human Language Processing., 2016.
Hassamal, Shrita, and Barbara Hemforth. Comparative alternation in Mauritian: Using experimental methods for understudied languages In AMLaP Asia. Hyderabad, Inde, 2018.PDF icon AMLaP_Asia_2018_4.pdf (943.61 Ko)
Caudal, Patrick, and Barbara Hemforth. Coercion types in French : an experimental study In Chronos 11, 11th International Conference on Actionality, Tense, Aspect, Modality/Evidentiality. Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore, 2014.
Hemforth, Barbara, Israel de la Fuente, Saveria Colonna, and Sarah Schimke. Clause structure matters: The role of left-dislocation & clefts in pronoun resolution In CUNY. University of South Carolina, 2013.
Riou, Etienne, and Barbara Hemforth. Apprentissage de la dislocation clitique à gauche en FLE In 3e Colloque international des étudiants chercheurs en didactique des langues et en linguistique., 2014.
de la Fuente, Israel, and Barbara Hemforth. Anti-focus effects in pronoun resolution? In AMLaP. Marseille, 2013.
Hemforth, Barbara, and Lars Konieczny. Alternative constructions and scope ambiguities: What counts as an alternative? In CUNY conference on Human Sentence Processing., 2019.
Fernandes, Eunice, Paula Luegi, Eduardo Correa Soares, Israel de la Fuente, and Barbara Hemforth. "Adaptation in Pronoun Resolution: Evidence from Brazilian and European Portuguese." Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition (2018).
Wurm, Mirjana, Lars Konieczny, and Barbara Hemforth. The acquisition of English dative alternation: Proficiency effects in French L2 learners In CUNY Conference on Sentence Processing, Edited by Dianne Bradley, Eva Fernandez and Janet Fodor. Vol. 25., 2012.
Pozniak, Celine, and Barbara Hemforth. "Acquisition des pronoms objets en français langue seconde." Discours (2016).
Faghiri, Pegah, Pollet Samvelian, and Barbara Hemforth. Accessibility and Word Order: The Case of Ditransitive Constructions in Persian In Workshop on Understudied Languages and SyntacticTheory - HPSG21. Buffalo, EU, 2014.
Miller, Philip, and Barbara Hemforth. Acceptability of VP ellipsis: discourse conditions vs. syntactic identity In CUNY conference on Human Sentence Processing. Amherst (MA) (Virtual Conference), 2020.
Edward, Gibson, Barbara Hemforth, Winckel Elodie, and Anne Abeillé. Acceptability of extractions out of adjuncts depends on discourse factors In 34th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing., 2021.
Edward, Gibson, Barbara Hemforth, Winckel Elodie, and Anne Abeillé. Acceptability of extractions out of adjuncts depends on discourse factors., 2021.
Abeillé, Anne, Barbara Hemforth, Elodie Winckel, and Edward Gibson. The acceptability of extractions from subjects depends on the discourse status of the subject In AMLaP 2020. Postdam (Virtual Conference), 2020.