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Zhu, Lichao, Guillaume Wisniewski, Nicolas Ballier, and François Yvon. Flux d'informations dans les systèmes encodeur-décodeur. Application à l'explication des biais de genre dans les systèmes de traduction automatique. In Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles, Edited by Yannick Estève, Tania Jiménez, Titouan Parcollet and Marcely Zanon Boito. Avignon, France: ATALA, 2022.
Zhu, Lichao, Guillaume Wisniewski, Nicolas Ballier, and François Yvon. Flux d'informations dans les systèmes encodeur-décodeur. Application à l'explication des biais de genre dans les systèmes de traduction automatique. In Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles, Edited by Yannick Estève, Tania Jiménez, Titouan Parcollet and Marcely Zanon Boito. Avignon, France: ATALA, 2022.
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Zhou, Ziqi, Jalal Al-Tamimi, and Hiyon Yoo. Predictive Modelling of Perceptual Strategies: Exploring the Perception of Ironic Tone of Voice by L2 Learners of French In Speech Prosody., 2024.PDF icon zhou24_speechprosody.pdf (760.41 Ko)
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Wisniewski, Guillaume, Cécile Macaire, Benjamin Galliot, Oliver Adams, Nicholas Lambourne, Ben Foley, Janet Wiles, Alexis Michaud, Séverine Guillaume, Guillaume Jacques et al. Natural Language Processing for language documentation: a progress report for Japhug and Na In Sixth Workshop on Sino-Tibetan Languages of Southwest China 2021. Kobe, Japan, 2023.
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Li, Bingzhi, Guillaume Wisniewski, and Benoît Crabbé. How Distributed are Distributed Representations? An Observation on the Locality of Syntactic Information in Verb Agreement Tasks In Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers). Dublin, Ireland: Association for Computational Linguistics, 2022.PDF icon 2022.acl-short.54.pdf (379.76 Ko)
Li, Bingzhi, Guillaume Wisniewski, and Benoît Crabbé. How Distributed Are Distributed Representations? An Observation on the Locality of Syntactic Information in Verb Agreement Tasks In Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers). Dublin, Ireland: Association for Computational Linguistics, 2022.
Li, Bingzhi, Guillaume Wisniewski, and Benoît Crabbé. How Distributed are Distributed Representations? An Observation on the Locality of Syntactic Information in Verb Agreement Tasks In 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Dublin, France: Association for Computational Linguistics, 2022.
Li, Bingzhi, Guillaume Wisniewski, and Benoît Crabbé. Are Transformers a Modern Version of ELIZA? Observations on French Object Verb Agreement In 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, 2021.
Li, Bingzhi, and Guillaume Wisniewski. Are Neural Networks Extracting Linguistic Properties or Memorizing Training Data? An Observation with a Multilingual Probe for Predicting Tense In EACL 2021. Kiev (on line), Ukraine, 2021.
Li, Bingzhi, Guillaume Wisniewski, and Benoît Crabbé. Les représentations distribuées sont-elles vraiment distribuées ? Observations sur la localisation de l'information syntaxique dans les tâches d'accord du verbe en français In Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles, Edited by Yannick Estève, Tania Jiménez, Titouan Parcollet and Marcely Zanon Boito. Avignon, France: ATALA, 2022.PDF icon 2022-taln.38.pdf (298.92 Ko)
Li, Chenyu, Jalal Al-Tamimi, and Yaru Wu. Tone as a Factor Influencing the Dynamics of Diphthong Realizations in Standard Mandarin In Proceedin