Reintges, Chris, and Caterina Donati. Diagnosing Phase Boundaries in Participial Relative Clauses In
Generative Linguistics in the Old World 40. University of Leiden Center of Linguistics, l’Université de Leiden., 2017.
Fon Sing, Guillaume. Emergence of grammatical markers in Mauritian Creole: Is there a creole-specific reanalysis? In
Eleventh Creolistics Workshop: "Assessing old assumptions. New insights on the dynamics of contact languages". University of Giessen, Germany, 2017.
Fon Sing, Guillaume. Etude d’innovations en créole à partir de l’analyse du français régional de Maurice In
Conférence de l'Association of French Language Studies 2017: "Le français dans tous ses espaces". lendon College, York University, Toronto, 2017.
Reintges, Chris. Graeco–Copto Adjectives: Adjectival Borrowing into an Adjective-Poor Language In
45th North Atlantic Conference for Afro-Asiatic Linguistics. University of Leiden Center of Linguistics, l’Université de Leiden., 2017.
Reintges, Chris. A New Typology of the Morphology–Syntax Interface in Language Change In
Séminaire SynSem. Département de linguistique, l’Université de Nantes., 2017.
Bonami, Olivier. Predictability in inflection and word formation In
ParadigMo 2017: First Workshop on Paradigmatic Word Formation Modeling., 2017.
paradigmo-slides.pdf (251.77 Ko) Seminck, Olga, and Pascal Amsili. Predicting Processing Cost of Anaphora Resolution In
39. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS). Saarbrücken, 2017.
AG1-8-semi.pdf (60.22 Ko) Brunetti, Lisa, Kordula De Kuthy, and Arndt Riester. Principles of information-structure and discourse-structure analysis In
39. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS) AG 2: Information Structuring in Discourse. Saarbruecken, Allemagne, 2017.
slides.pdf (329 Ko) Crysmann, Berthold. Resumption and Case: A new take on Modern Standard Arabic In
24th International Conference on Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar. Lexington, Kentucky, 2017.
Saillard, Claire. The semantics of the syntactic position of adjectives in Truku Seediq In
9th Conference on Austronesian and Papuan Language and Linguistics. INaLCO-LACITO, 2017.
Reintges, Chris. Spontaneous Syntactic Change: An Anti-Inertia Approach In
Linguistics in Göttingen: A Platform for Empirical and Theoretical Linguistics., Université de Göttingen., 2017.
Zhao, Chen, and Xiaoshi Hu. Topic: a case of internal pair merge? In
The second international workshop of syntactic cartography., 2017.
Bui, Thi Hoang Anh. About the Vietnamese compound nouns In
Southeast Asian linguistics society. Manille (Philippines), 2016.
Hassamal, Shrita. Adverbs in Mauritian In
Groupe de Recherche sur les Grammaires Créoles. CNRS, Pouchet, Paris, France, 2016.
Donati, Caterina, and Carlo Cecchetto. Are (all) adverbial clauses adjuncts ? In
The internal and external syntax of adverbial clauses, ZAS Berlin, July 2016., 2016.
Caudal, Patrick. An aspectual survey of French 2nd group verbs as an inflectional & lexical class In
Chronos 12 - 12th International Conference on Actionality, Tense, Aspect, Modality/Evidentiality. Université de Caen, 2016.
Pan, Victor Junnan, Waltraud Paul, and Redouane Djamouri. Clitic pronouns in Archaic Chinese In
Linguistics Association of Great Britain Annual Meeting. University of York , 2016.
Seminck, Olga, and Pascal Amsili. A cognitively plausible model for anaphora resolution In
Architectures and Mechanisms of Human Language Processing. Bilbao, 2016.
amlap_poster.pdf (1.44 Mo) Hu, Xiaoshi. The complement structure of causative constructions in French In
49th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea. University of Naples Federico II, 2016.
Beniamine, Sacha, and Olivier Bonami. A comprehensive view on inflectional classification In
Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain (LAGB). York, 2016.
presentationLAGB.pdf (2.35 Mo) Reintges, Chris. Coptic Linguistics 2012–2016, keynote address In
11th International Congress of Coptic Studies, Claremont Graduate University, California., 2016.
Lin, Ting-shiu. Correlative coordinations “yòu…yòu…” and “yòushì…yòushì…” in Chinese In
The 24th Annual Conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics., 2016.
Bonami, Olivier, and Jana Strnadová. Derivational paradigms: pushing the analogy In
49th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea. Naples, 2016.
Naples-slides.pdf (123.76 Ko) Fon Sing, Guillaume. Description et analyse des expressions verbales figées en créole et en français régional de l’Ile Maurice In
XVème Colloque International des Etudes Créoles « Pourquoi étudier les langues, cultures et sociétés créoles aujourd’hui ? » (31 oct 2016 - 4 nov 2016), Baie Mahault - Guadeloupe., 2016.
Reintges, Chris, and Caterina Donati. Diagnosing phase boundaries in participial relative clauses In
Brussels Conference on Generative Linguistics (BCGL) 9: Phase Theory. KU Leuven (Brussels), 2016.
Hu, Xiaoshi. Diagnosing the internal structure of French causatives In
Non-Finite-Subjects 2016, Université de Nantes. Université de Nantes, 2016.
Reintges, Chris. Die allomorphischen Varianten des sdm.t(j)=f Passivums mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der frühmittelägyptischen Sargtexte, In
Die klassisch-ägyptische Sprache im Schnittpunkt von Philologie und Linguistik. Ein akademisches Symposium zu Ehren von Wolfgang Schenkel. Berlin: Berliner-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften , 2016.
Kriegel, Sybille, and Guillaume Fon Sing. Le factitif dans les créoles de l’Océan Indien. In
Colloque international : "Le factitif : perspectives croisées", Université Paris-Sorbonne/Université Paris-Diderot (17-19 novembre 2016), Paris., 2016.
Caudal, Patrick, and Robert Mailhammer. Linear Lengthening in Iwaidja: a prosodic countour with aspectuo-temporal meaning? In
Chronos 12 - 12th International Conference on Actionality, Tense, Aspect, Modality/Evidentiality. Université de Caen, 2016.
Caudal, Patrick, and Robert Mailhammer. Motion serial verbs in Iwaidja: from event delimitation to discourse structural functions In
"The Profile of Event Delimitation" workshop - 48th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea. Naples, 2016.
Pan, Victor Junnan. A Narrow Syntactic Account for Reconstruction Effects In
The 24th annual conference of International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL-24). Beijing Language and Culture University, Beijing, 2016.
An, Aixiu. Non-sentential coordination with he/gen/yu/ji/tong in Mandarin Chinese In
24th conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL)., 2016.
iacl 24.pdf (611.39 Ko) Garcia-Marchena, Oscar. Phrases averbales et fragments en espagnol oral In
XXVIII Congrès internationale de linguistique et philologie romane (CLIFR). Rome: Université Roma Sapienza, 2016.
Fragments et phrases averbales de l’espagnol oral.pdf (690.97 Ko) Crysmann, Berthold. Positional competition in Chichêwa In
International Morphology Meeting . Vienna, 2016.
Compaoré, Laetitia. Prosodic phrasing in Moore In
47th Annual Conference on African Linguistics. University of California (Berkeley, USA), 2016.
Donati, Caterina, and Carlo Cecchetto. Strong islands and cyclic transfer In
In Brussels Conference on Generative Linguistics (BCGL) 9: Phase Theory. KU Leuven (Brussels), 2016. Bruxelles, 2016.
Mazzocconi, Chiara, Ye Tian, and Jonathan Ginzburg. Time alignment between laughter and laughable In
The 4th European and 7th Nordic Symposium on Multimodal communication,. Centre for Language Technology, University of Copenhagen, 2016.
Mazzocconi, Chiara, Ye Tian, and Jonathan Ginzburg. Towards a Multi-layered Analysis of Laughter In
SemDial2016, JerSem, the 20th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue. New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA: Rutgers University, 2016.
Saillard, Claire. Variation as a contact-induced phenomenon. The case of Truku (Taiwan) In
New Ways of Analyzing Variation – Asia-Pacific 4. Chiayi, Taiwan: National Chung-Cheng University, 2016.
APLL9_Saillard_Présentation.pdf (3.03 Mo) 2015
Fon Sing, Guillaume. About some innovative features in Mauritian Creole In
Workshop GDRI SEEPiCLa. CLUL/FLUL, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal, 2015.
Hassamal, Shrita. A classification of adverbs in Mauritian In
GDRI-SEEPiCLa meeting. Faculdade de Letras, Lisbon, Portugal, 2015.
Lin, Ting-shiu. Conjunctions of predicates and phrasal categories In
International Symposium on Chinese Theoretical and Applied Linguistics., 2015.
Saillard, Claire. Definiteness in the noun phrase. Realizations in first and second languages In
International symposium on Chinese grammar and its acquisition. Syntax and semantics. Paris : Université Paris Diderot, 2015.
Huang, Xiaoliang. Derivation of Deverbals in Mandarin Chinese In
International Symposium on Chinese Theoretical and Applied Linguistics. University of Newcastle, 2015.
Garcia-Marchena, Oscar. Ellipsis and fragments in spoken Spanish In
Université Paris Diderot. Université Paris Diderot, 2015.
Fon Sing, Guillaume. Fixed Verbal Expressions in Mauritian Creole In
Workshop GDRI SEEPiCLa. University of Amsterdam, Holland, 2015.
Garet, Patty. The French negative in- prefix: what assimilation tells us about structural attachment In
The Form of Structure, the Structure of Form: three days of linguistics for Jean Lowenstamm. Université Paris-Diderot, 2015.
Garet, Patty. The French negative in- prefix: what assimilation tells us about structural attachment In
Conference The Form of Structure, the Structure of Form: three days of linguistics for Jean Lowenstamm, 15~17 January. Paris Diderot Paris 7, 2015.
Garet Patty - HO to give JLconf 2015 French negative prefix in-.pdf (590.75 Ko) Caudal, Patrick. L’interaction temps-aspect-modalité en français In
SDU ACLIF. Université Ovidius, Constantza, Roumanie, 2015.
Fon Sing, Guillaume, and Shrita Hassamal. A la découverte des langues créoles In
Fête de la Science: Sciences en lumière. Lumière sur la linguistique et ses disciplines connexes avec le Labex EFL. Cité des sciences et de l’Industrie, Paris, 2015.
Hu, Xiaoshi. Le complément des constructions causatives du français In
8ème Journée des doctorants du LLF. Université Paris 7, 2015.
Hassamal, Shrita. Les adverbes comparatifs en mauricien. In
Journée des doctorants. University Paris Diderot, France, 2015.
Donati, Caterina. Merge and labeling in the language faculty In
Theory of language and the Debate on Language Origins. Trento. , 2015.
Crysmann, Berthold. Mixed Categories in Hausa: Between Morphology, Syntax and Semantics In
Invited talk at the Workshop on Grammar Development, Beit Daniel, Zikhron Ya'akov, The Open University, Israel,., 2015.
Fon Sing, Guillaume. Morphological and syntactical innovations in Mauritian Creole: exctraction and analysis from regional French data In
Tenth Creolistics Workshop: “Innovations” - with special attention to parallels between creole and sign language creation. Aarhus University, Denmark, 2015.
Garet, Patty. A Neoconstructionist view of the French negative prefix in- {[ɛ̃], [i], [in]} and -able adjectives In
23rd Conference of the Student Organization of Linguistics in Europe (ConSOLE XXIII), 07~09 January. Paris Diderot Paris 7, 2015.
Garcia-Marchena, Oscar. Phrases verbales et fragments en espagnol In
Journées des doctorants 2015. Université Paris Diderot, 2015.
Donati, Caterina, and Carlo Cecchetto. Quattro passi into the NP structure In
The grammar of Idioms, CRISSP Brussels. June 2015., 2015.
Pan, Victor Junnan. Questions at Syntax and Prosody Interfaces In
The 27th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL). UCLA, Los Angeles, 2015.
Cecchetto, Carlo, and Caterina Donati. A relabeling analysis of reduced relatives In
Encuentro de Gramatica Generativa 7, Buenos Aires. July 2015., 2015.
Bendjaballah, Sabrina, and Philippe Ségéral. The Semitic Verb Template: a View from the Mehri Language of Oman In
The Form of Structure. The Structure of Form. Three days of Linguistics for Jean Lowenstamm. Université Paris-Diderot, 2015.
Hu, Xiaoshi, and Wei Xiang. The Syntax of Quantity Expressions in Chinese In
International Symposium on Chinese Theoretical and Applied Linguistics., 2015.
Lin, Ting-shiu. On the syntax of two correlative constructions in Mandarin Chinese In
The 10th International Workshop on Theoretical East Asian Linguistics., 2015.
Hassamal, Shrita. Une classification des adverbes en mauricien In
Groupe de Recherche sur les Grammaires Créoles. University Paris 8, France. , 2015.
Burnett, Heather, Mireille Tremblay, and Hélène Blondeau. The Variable Grammar of Montréal French Negative Concord In
New Ways of Analyzing Variation, Edited by
Sabriya Fischer. Vol. 21. University of Pennsylvania: Penn Working Papers in Linguistics, 2015.
Zhang, Xiaoqian. Verbal reduplication and event pluractionality in Mandarin Chinese In
9th International Conference of the European Association of Chinese Linguistics. University of Stuttgart (Germany), 2015.
Pan, Victor Junnan. Wh-ex-situ and Information Structure in Chinese In
"Workshop "What the topic is (not) about", 28th Paris Meeting on East Asian Linguistics. CRLAO, INALCO, 2015.
Abeillé, Anne. Adjectives and adverbs in the grande grammaire du français In
The interface of adjectievs and adverbs in Romance and English. Université de Graz, 2014.
Riou, Etienne, and Barbara Hemforth. Apprentissage de la dislocation clitique à gauche en FLE In
3e Colloque international des étudiants chercheurs en didactique des langues et en linguistique., 2014.
Donati, Caterina. An authentic wh-sign in LIS. In
FEAST Colloquium, Venice. June 2014., 2014.
Hunter, Julie, and Laurence Danlos. {Because we say so} In
{EACL 2014 - 14th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (2014), Workshop on Computational Approaches to Causality in Language}. Gothenburg, Sweden, 2014.
Caudal, Patrick, and Barbara Hemforth. Coercion types in French : an experimental study In
Chronos 11, 11th International Conference on Actionality, Tense, Aspect, Modality/Evidentiality. Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore, 2014.
Hassamal, Shrita. Comparative adverbs in Mauritian In
FACS-4 (Formal Approaches to Creole Studies 4). Paris, France, 2014.
Saillard, Claire. Contact, variation, changement : le cas du contact du truku et du chinois à Taiwan In
Contacts entre, dans et par les langues, Doctoriales en Sciences du Langage (DoSciLa). Paris : Université Paris Diderot, 2014.
Abeillé, Anne. Coordination and ellipsis in natural language In
Natural Language and Computer Science. Université de Vienne, 2014.
Reintges, Chris, and Patrick Caudal. Coptic Negative Tense–Aspect–Moods in a Typological Perspective In
Negation in Ancient Egyptian. INALCO, Pôle des langues et civilisation, Paris, 2014.
Hassamal, Shrita, and Anne Abeillé. Degree adverbs in Mauritian Creole In
21st International Conference on HPSG . University at Buffalo, New York, USA., 2014.
Hassamal, Shrita. Degree adverbs in Mauritian Creole In
CIEC2014 (14th Colloque International des Etudes Créoles). Aix-en-Provence, France, 2014.
Pan, Victor Junnan. Deriving A’-dependencies by Agree and by Match In
The 22nd annual conference of International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL), University of Maryland, Maryland, USA., 2014.
Abeillé, Anne, and Aoi Shiraishi. Discordances syntaxiques : la mise en facteur droite en français In
More than syntax, a tribute to Alain Rouveret. Université Paris-Diderot, 2014.
Caudal, Patrick, Robert Mailhammer, and Bruce Birch. Dual verbal constructions in Iwaidja In
13th Australian Languages Workshop (ALW 2014). ANU, Kioloa Coastal Campus, 2014.
Reintges, Chris, and Sabrina Bendjaballah. The Eventive-Stative Alternation in Coptic Egyptian In
42nd North American Conference on Afroasiatic Linguistics,. Leiden, Netherlands, 2014.
Crysmann, Berthold. Exuberant exponence in Information based Morphology In
2nd European Workshop on Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar., 2014.
Donati, Caterina. Gross Minimality. A Locality Constraint on untriggered movement. In
More than syntax. A tribute to Alain Rouveret. Université Paris Diderot. October , 2014.
Cecchetto, Carlo, Caterina Donati, and Maria Teresa Guasti. Gross Minimality and relative clauses in child grammar In
Experimental and Theoretical Approaches to relative clauses reconciled, DFGS 2014, Marburg. March 2014., 2014.
Reintges, Chris. The Inferential Evidential in Sahidic Coptic In
Workshop Empirical Evidence for Evidentiality. Nijmegen, Netherlands, 2014.
Hassamal, Shrita. Les adverbes de degré en créole mauricien In
Groupe de Recherches sur les Grammaires Créoles. University of Paris 8, France. , 2014.
Liégeois, Loïc. Les facteurs influençant l’élision du schwa en discours adressé à l’enfant In
Colloque international des Étudiants chercheurs en DIdactique des langues et en Linguistique. Grenoble, 2014.
Fon Sing, Guillaume. Les procédés de mise en relief en créole mauricien : analyse contrastive avec le français In
14ème Colloque du Comité International des Etudes Créoles, "Etudes créoles : bilan, enjeux et perspectives". Aix-en-Provence, 2014.
Donati, Caterina, and Chiara Branchini. Mixed Utterances in a Bimodal setting In
Emergence of Linguistic Competence in Multi-Language contexts. Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies in the humanities and Social Sciences, 2014.
Capo Chichi, Sandro. On Nasality in Nupoid In
44th Colloquium on African Languages and Linguistics. Université de Leyde, 2014.
Soares-Jesel, Carla. Notes on the acquisition of adjunction In
(More Than) Syntax: a Tribute to Alain Rouveret. Université Paris Diderot, 2014.
Soares-Jesel, Carla. Notes on the acquisition of infinitive constructions in European Portuguese In
IASCL - International Association for the Study of Child Language. University of Amsterdam, 2014.
Tribout, Delphine, and Olivier Bonami. The polysemy of lexeme formation rules In
Semantics of derivational morphology: empirical evidence and theoretical modeling. Düsseldorf, 2014.
diapos-tribout.pdf (91.39 Ko) Delais-Roussarie, Élisabeth. Structuration prosodique des syntagmes détachés en Français In
Congrès bisannuel de l'Association des Franco-Romanistes allemands: Phonetische Interfaces. Münster, Allemagne, 2014.
YU, Xinyue, and Xiaoshi Hu. The syntax of Gei in Mandarin Chinese In
6th International Conférence Internatioale on Formal Linguistics. Tsinghua University, Beijing, 2014.
Caudal, Patrick. Taking the Australianist perspective : A view of TAM from down under In
Chronos 11, 11th International Conference on Actionality, Tense, Aspect, Modality/Evidentiality. Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore, 2014.
Hassamal, Shrita. The two AND-conjunctions in Mauritian Creole In
GDRI-SEEPiCLa . University of Westminster, London, England. , 2014.
Hassamal, Shrita. The two AND-conjunctions in Mauritian Creole In
CSI Lisbon (Coordination and Subordination in Lisbon). University of Lisbon, Portugal. , 2014.
Hassamal, Shrita. The two-AND conjunctions in Mauritian Creole In
SWL-6 (Syntax of the World’s Languages 6). University of Pavia, Italy, 2014.
Pan, Victor Junnan. Wh-ex-situ and the Left Periphery in Mandarin Chinese In
Spring School of European Association of Chinese Linguistics, Roma Tre University, Rome, Italie. Rome, Italie, 2014.
Spring school handout.pdf (426.68 Ko) 2013
Fon Sing, Guillaume. Analyse sémantique et fonctionnelle de certaines particularités morphosyntaxiques et lexicales du français de Maurice In
La dia-variation en français actuel. Des corpus aux ouvrages de référence (dictionnaires/grammaires). CATIFQ, Université de Sherbrooke, Québec Canada, 2013.
Amsili, Pascal, and Claire Beyssade. Beyond Obligatory Presuppositions In
Book of abstracts, 19th International Congress of Linguists. Genève, 2013.
Saillard, Claire. A comprehensive semantic account of the functions of nage 那个 in spoken Taiwan Mandarin In
The 25th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics. Ann Arbor : University of Michigan, 2013.
Fon Sing, Guillaume. De l’émergence de certains marqueurs discursifs en créole mauricien In
XXVIIe Congrès international de linguistique et de philologie romanes (CILPR). Nancy: Laboratoire ATILF (CNRS/Université de Lorraine) / Société de linguistique romane, 2013.
Crysmann, Berthold. Eliminating rule blocks from realisational morphology In
Workshop on Computational Approaches to Morphological Complexity. Surrey Morphology Group. Paris-Sorbonne, 2013.
Cecchetto, Carlo, Caterina Donati, and Maria Teresa Guasti. Gross Minimality in child grammar In
Going Romance 2013. Worshop on Language acquisition and linguistic theory. Amsterdam, novembre 2013. , 2013.
Qiu, Yiqin. The Identity Problem of VP-Ellipsis in Mandarin In
26ème Journée de Linguistique d'Asie Orientale. CRLAO, EHESS, Paris, 2013.
Hassamal, Shrita. Les deux conjonctions- ET en créole mauricien In
Journée des doctorants. University of Paris 8, France, 2013.
Pan, Victor Junnan. A Minimalist Approach to the Resumptivity in Mandarin Chinese In
The 21st annual conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL), National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan., 2013.
Qiu, Yiqin. Negation as diagnostic in VP-Ellipsis in Mandarin In
the 21th Conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics. Université Normale Nationale de Taiwan, 2013.
Qiu, Yiqin. Negation as diagnostic in VP-Ellipsis in Mandarin In
the 8th Conference of the European Association of Chinese Linguistics (EACL). EHESS, Paris, 2013.
Qiu, Yiqin. Negation in VP-Ellipsis in Mandarin Chinese In
Workshop of 'Parentheses and Ellipsis' in the 35th Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS). Université de Potsdam, Germany, 2013.
Boulin, Myriam. Now : opérateur de rapprochement In
Sixièmes Rencontres doctorales LLSH de Paris 7. Université Paris Diderot ed. Vol. 10. Paris 7: Université Paris Diderot, 2013.
now opérateur de rapprochement.pdf (161.53 Ko) Hu, Xiaoshi. A phasal derivation of clitcization in French causative constructions In
4th Post-graduation meeting in Linguistics. University of Coimbra. Coimbra, 2013.
Cecchetto, Carlo, and Caterina Donati. Please do not Move that remnant too much! In
Workshop on Remnant Movement, Frankfurt, october 2013., 2013.
Zhao, Chen. Postverbal complements in mandarin Chinese In
21th Conference of the International Association of Chinese linguistics. National Taiwan Normal University, 2013.
Fon Sing, Guillaume. Procédés de mise en relief en créole mauricien In
« Langue française mise en relief(s) : aspects linguistiques, didactiques et institutionnels », Colloque de l'AFLS. Perpignan, 2013.
Pan, Victor Junnan. Resumptive Chains : Relativization vs. Left-Dislocation In
The 6th International Spring Forum, The English Linguistic Society of Japan (ELSJ), Tokyo University, Japan. , 2013.
Danlos, Laurence. {Connecteurs de discours adverbiaux : Problèmes à l'interface syntaxe-sémantique} In
{31th International Conference on Lexis and Grammar}. Nové Hrady, Czech Republic: {Institut de Langues Romanes, University of South Bohemia}, 2012.
Fon Sing, Guillaume, and Jean Leoue. Creoles are not typologically distinct from non-creoles In
Ninth Creolistics Workshop “Contact languages in a global context: past and present”. Aarhus University (Danemark), 2012.
Huang, Xiaoliang. Deriving the Num-Cl-(de)-N Order in Chinese In
Symposium on Word Order in Chinese. The Chinese University of Hong Kong,, 2012.
Bonami, Olivier. Discovering implicative morphology In
Les Décembrettes 8: colloque international de morphologie. Bordeaux, 2012.
Bordeaux-dec2012.pdf (1.12 Mo) Pan, Victor Junnan. Four Types of Wh-ex-situ in Chinese In
25ème Journées de Linguistique d’Asie Orientale, CRLAO, EHESS, Paris. CRLAO, EHESS, Paris, France, 2012.
Fradin, Bernard. Handling the semantics of evaluative morphology In
15th International Morphology Meeting. Wien, Österreich: Wirtschäftsuniversität Wien, 2012.
Qiu, Yiqin. The Hierarchy of adjuncts in Mandarin VP ellipsis In
Topics in the Typology of Elliptical Constructions (part II). Université Paris Diderot, 2012.
Dao, Huy Linh. Intransitivité scindée, passif et sujet impersonnel en vietnamien In
Colloque International Jeunes Chercheurs en Linguistique (CIJC 2012). Strasbourg, France, 2012.
Rojas Plata, Daniel. L’espace perdu en français : Le cas de en In
Le français en diachronie. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 2012.
Non, Dara. La temporalité dans le récit In
La conscience du passé chez les khmers et leurs voisins. Approches linguistique, historique et ethnologique. Phnom Penh, 2012.
Danlos, Laurence. {Méthodologie pour le FDTB (French Discourse Tree Bank)} In
{La linguistique de corpus à l'heure de la confrontation entre concepts, techniques et applications}. Bordeaux, France, 2012.
Strnadová, Jana. Multiple Derivation in French Denominal Adjectives In
Les Décembrettes 8 - Colloque international de morphologie., 2012.
Qiu, Yiqin. The Reconstruction of Adjuncts in V-Stranding VP-Ellipsis of Mandarin Chinese In
the 20th Conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2012.
Pan, Victor Junnan. Syntactic representation of discourse-configurationality in Mandarin In
45th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, (SLE 2012 ), University of Stockholm, Stockholm, Suède. University of Stockholm, Stockholm, Suède, 2012.
Caudal, Patrick, and Eva Schultze-Berndt. TAM puzzles in Jaminjung In
7th European Australianists Workshop. SOAS, University of London, 2012.
Lowenstamm, Jean. Two mysteries in the sound pattern of Maghribi Arabic In
North American Conference on Afroasiatic Linguistics. Rutgers NJ, 2012.
Pan, Victor Junnan. When wh-questions interact with information structure In
‘Information Structure in Non-Assertive Speech Acts’, Workshop at the 34th Annual Meeting of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS), University of Frankfurt, Allemagne. Frankfurt, Allemagne, 7-9 March, 2012.
Lin, Ting-shiu. 汉语电子邮件中请求语言之使用 [Requêtes dans les courriels du chinois] In
第十四届中国当代语言学国际研讨会 [The 14th China International Conference on Contemporary Linguistics]., 2012.
汉语电子邮件中请求语言之使用_提要+全文.pdf (426.72 Ko)